Full Reference List of Scottish Gaelic Verbs

Each entry consists of the verb, its primary meaning, and the verbal noun form. However for the interests of space, not all verbs will have their own dedicated page. In some cases, the link will go to the verb whose pattern it copies for its paradigm. For example, the verb frith-thilg (relect) conjugates in the same way as the verb tilg (throw), so you use the conjugation of tilg as your guide.

Defective verbs do not have a full range of conjugations and are only used in certain forms.

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abair say, (ag) ràdh, Go to verb
adhbharaich cause, adhbharachadh, Go to verb
aidich admit, aideachadh, Go to verb
ainmich name, ainmeachadh, Go to verb
àireamh count, àireamh, Go to verb
ais-bhuail repel, ais-bhualadh, See: buail
ais-ghairm recall, ais-ghairm, See: gairm
aisig ferry, aiseag, Go to verb
aisig recover, aiseag, Go to verb
ais-thionndaidh invert, ais-thionndadh, See: tionndaidh
àithn command, àithneadh, Go to verb
aithnich know, aithneachadh, Go to verb
altraim nurse, altramadh, Go to verb
amais aim, amas, Go to verb
amhairc look, amharc, Go to verb
ana-caith misuse, ana-caitheamh, See: caith
an-fhannaich weaken, an-fhannachadh, See: fannaich
an-luchdaich overload, an-luchdadh, See: luchdaich
aontaich agree, aontachadh, Go to verb
ar think, Defective verb, Go to verb
àraich breed, àrach, Go to verb
àrd-loisg burn in extreme heat, àrd-losgadh, See: loisg
arsa said, Defective verb, Go to verb
às-dùin exclude, às-dùnadh, See: dùin
às-imrich emigrate, às-imrich, See: imrich
às-tharraing abstract, às-tharraing, See: tarraing
às-tharraing extract, às-tharraing, See: tarraing
at swell, atadh, Go to verb
ath flinch, athadh, Go to verb
ath-aisig restore, ath-aiseag, See: aisig
atharraich change, atharrachadh, Go to verb
atharrais imitate, atharrais, Go to verb
ath-bheachdaich reconsider, ath-bheachdachadh, See: beachdaich
ath-chagainn ruminate, ath-chagnadh, See: cagainn
ath-cheannaich repurchase, ath-cheannach, See: ceannaich
ath-chleachd re-use, ath-chleachdadh, See: cleachd
ath-chluich replay, ath-chluich, See: cluich
ath-chruinnich reunite, ath-chruinneachadh, See: cruinnich
ath-chuairtich recycle, ath-chuairteachadh, See: cuairtich
ath-chuir transplant, ath-chur, See: cuir
ath-chùm reform, ath-chumadh, Go to verb
ath-dhèan redo, ath-dhèanamh, See: dèan
ath-dhìol repay, ath-dhìoladh, See: dìol
ath-dhùisg resuscitate, ath-dhùsgadh, See: dùisg
ath-fheòl-ghabh reincarnate, ath-fheòl-ghabhail, See: gabh
ath-fhosgail re-open, ath-fhosgadh, See: fosgail
ath-fhreagair answer back, ath-fhreagairt, See: freagair
ath-fhuaimnich echo, ath-fhuaimneachadh, See: fuaimnich
ath-ghabh retake, ath-ghabhail, See: gabh
ath-ghairm echo, ath-ghairm, See: gairm
ath-ghin regenerate, ath-ghintinn, See: gin
ath-ghluais reverse, ath-ghluasad, See: gluais
ath-innse retell, ath-innse, See: innse
ath-leasaich redevelop, ath-leasachadh, See: leasaich
ath-lèim rebound, ath-lèim, See: lèim
ath-leum rebound, ath-leum, See: leum
ath-lìon refill, ath-lìonadh, See: lìon
ath-mhìsnich reassure, ath-mhìsneachadh, See: mìsnich
ath-neartaich reinforce, ath-neartachadh, See: neartaich
ath-nochd reappear, ath-nochdadh, See: nochd
ath-nochd reproduce, ath-nochdadh, See: nochd
ath-nuadhaich renew, ath-nuadhachadh, See: nuadhaich
ath-phàigh reimburse, ath-phàigheadh, See: pàigh
ath-reic resell, ath-reic, See: reic
ath-rèitich reconcile, ath-rèiteachadh, See: rèitich
ath-riochdaich reproduce, ath-riochdachadh, See: riochdaich
ath-sgaoil redistribute, ath-sgaoileadh, Go to verb
ath-sgrìobh rewrite, ath-sgrìobhadh, See: sgrìobh
ath-sgrùd review, ath-sgrùdadh, See: sgrùd
ath-shealbhaich repossess, ath-shealbhachadh, See: sealbhaich
ath-sheall reconsider, ath-shealltainn, See: seall
ath-sholair resupply, ath-sholar, See: solair
ath-stiùir redirect, ath-stiùireadh, See: stiùir
ath-thagair repeal (law), ath-thagairt, See: tagair
ath-tharraing redraw, ath-tharraing, See: tarraing
ath-thill re-introduce, ath-thilleadh, See: till
ath-thog rebuild, ath-thogail, See: tog
ath-thòisich resume, ath-thòiseachadh, See: tòisich
ath-thuit relapse, ath-thuiteam, See: tuit
ath-ùraich refresh, ath-ùrachadh, See: ùraich

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bac prevent, bacadh, Go to verb
bagair menace, bagradh, Go to verb
bànaich vacate, bànachadh, Go to verb
bànaich whiten, bànachadh, Go to verb
barganaich bargain, barganachadh, Go to verb
bas-bhuail applaud, bas-bhualadh, See: buail
bàsaich die, bàsachadh, Go to verb
bàth drown, bàthadh, Go to verb
beachdaich consider, beachdachadh, Go to verb
beachd-smaoinich contemplate, beachd-smaoineachadh, See: smaoinich
beag-nàraich embarrass, beag-nàrachadh, See: nàraich
bean touch, beantainn, Go to verb
beannaich bless, beannachadh, Go to verb
bearr clip, bearradh, Go to verb
beàrr clip, beàrradh, Go to verb
beir give birth, breith, Go to verb
beir hold, breith, Go to verb
beò-ghlac captivate, beò-ghlacadh, See: glac
bi be, -- (a bhith), Go to verb
biadh feed, biadhadh, Go to verb
bìd bite, bìdeadh, Go to verb
bìog cheep, bìogail, Go to verb
bith-chnàmh biodegrade, bith-chnàmhadh, See: cnàmh
blais taste, blasad, Go to verb
blàthaich warm, blàthachadh, Go to verb
bleoghainn milk, bleoghann, Go to verb
boc bounce, bocadh, Go to verb
bòc bloat, bòcadh, Go to verb
bodhair deafen, bodhradh, Go to verb
boillsg flash, boillsgeadh, Go to verb
boin belong to, bointinn, Go to verb
bonn-shuidhich found, bonn-shuidheachadh, See: suidhich
brath-ghoid mug (rob), brath-ghoid, See: goid
breab kick, breabadh, Go to verb
breun become corrupt, breunad, Go to verb
briog click, briogadh, Go to verb
briog jab, briogadh, Go to verb
bris break, briseadh, Go to verb
brist break, bristeadh, See: bris
bruadail dream, bruadal, See: bruadair
bruadair dream, bruadar, Go to verb
brùchd belch, brùchdadh, Go to verb
brùchd rush forth, brùchdadh, Go to verb
bruich cook, bruich, Go to verb
bruidhinn speak, bruidhinn, Go to verb
buail strike, bualadh, Go to verb
buain harvest, buain, Go to verb
buair annoy, buaireadh, Go to verb
buidhinn gain, buidhinn, Go to verb
builg bubble, builgeadh, Go to verb
builich grant, buileachadh, Go to verb
buin belong, buntainn, Go to verb
buinig win, buinigeadh, See: buinnig
buinnig win, buinnigeadh, Go to verb
bun-rannsaich analyse, bun-rannsachadh, See: rannsaich

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cac defecate, cacadh, Go to verb
cagainn chew, cagnadh, Go to verb
caidil sleep, cadal, Go to verb
caill lose, call, Go to verb
càir fix, càradh, Go to verb
càir place, càradh, Go to verb
cair-lèim toss about, cair-lèim, See: lèim
cair-leum toss about, cair-leum, See: leum
caisg block, casgadh, Go to verb
caith consume, caitheamh, Go to verb
campaich camp, campachadh, Go to verb
can say, cantainn, Go to verb
caochail change, caochladh, Go to verb
caochail die, caochladh, Go to verb
caoin cry, caoineadh, Go to verb
caoin-bhruich cook gently, caoin-bhruich, See: bruich
caoinich dry, caoineachadh, Go to verb
caomhain save, caomhnadh, Go to verb
car bend, caradh, Go to verb
car trick, caradh, Go to verb
car-thiormaich tumble-dry, cair-thiormachadh, See: tiormaich
cas oppose, casadh, Go to verb
ceangail connect, ceangal, Go to verb
ceannaich buy, ceannach, Go to verb
ceasnaich interrogate, ceasnachadh, Go to verb
ceil hide, cleith, Go to verb
ceum step, ceumadh, Go to verb
ceumnaich graduate, ceumnachadh, Go to verb
ceumnaich pace, ceumnachadh, Go to verb
ciallaich mean, ciallachadh, Go to verb
cinneasaich produce, cinneasachadh, Go to verb
cinntich check, cinnteachadh, Go to verb
cladhaich dig, cladhach, Go to verb
claon-amhairc leer, claon-amharc, See: amhairc
clàr record, clàradh, See: clàraich
clàraich record, clàrachadh, Go to verb
cleachd use, cleachdadh, Go to verb
cleith hide, cleitheadh, Go to verb
cliog click, cliogadh, Go to verb
cliù-mhill defame, cliù-mhilleadh, See: mill
clìor clear, clìoradh, Go to verb
cliùthaich praise, cliùthachadh, Go to verb
clò-sgrìobh type, clò-sgrìobhadh, See: sgrìobh
clò-shuidhich typeset, clò-shuidheachadh, See: suidhich
cluich play, cluich, Go to verb
cluinn hear, cluinntinn, Go to verb
cnag crunch, cnagadh, Go to verb
cnàmh chew, cnàmhadh, Go to verb
cnàmh-loisg smoulder, cnàmh-losgadh, See: loisg
co-aontaich agree, co-aontachadh, See: aontaich
cobhair assist, cobhradh, Go to verb
co-bheachdaich discuss, co-bheachdachadh, See: beachdaich
còcairich cook, còcaireachd, Go to verb
co-cheangail connect, co-cheangal, See: ceangail
co-chleachd use jointly, co-chleachdadh, See: cleachd
co-chòrd accord, co-chòrdadh, See: còrd
co-chruinnich assemble, co-chruinneachadh, See: cruinnich
co-chuibhrich concatenate, co-chuibhreachadh, See: cuibhrich
co-dhaingnich consolidate, co-dhaingneachadh, See: daingnich
co-dhealbh construct, co-dhealbhadh, See: dealbh
co-dhearbh corroborate, co-dhearbhadh, See: dearbh
co-dhùin conclude, co-dhùnadh, See: dùin
co-èignich enforce, co-èigneachadh, See: èignich
co-fhreagair correspond, co-fhreagairt, See: freagair
co-ghin copulate, co-ghintinn, See: gin
co-ghlac encapsulate, co-ghlacadh, See: glac
co-ghluais co-ordinate, co-ghluasad, See: gluais
coilean complete, coileanadh, Go to verb
coimeas compare, coimeas, Go to verb
coimeasg combine, coimeasgadh, Go to verb
coimeasgaich combine, coimeasgachadh, Go to verb
coimhead look, coimhead, Go to verb
coimhid look, coimhead, Go to verb
coinnich meet, coinneachadh, Go to verb
coirich blame, coireachadh, Go to verb
coisich walk, coiseachd, Go to verb
coisinn earn, cosnadh, Go to verb
co-laigh cohabit, co-laighe, See: laigh
co-leagh fuse, co-leaghadh, See: leagh
comhaich dispute, comhachadh, Go to verb
comharraich mark, comharrachadh, Go to verb
comhartaich bark, comhartaich, Go to verb
còmhdaich cover, còmhdachadh, Go to verb
còmhradh conversing, còmhradh, Defective verb, Go to verb
com-pàirtich participate, com-pàirteachadh, See: pàirtich
co-naisg conjugate, co-nasgadh, See: naisg
co-obraich co-operate, co-obair, See: obraich
co-oibrich co-operate, co-oibricheadh, See: oibrich
co-òrdaich co-ordinate, co-òrdachadh, See: òrdaich
co-phàirtich communicate, co-phàirteachadh, See: pàirtich
còrd agree, còrdadh, Go to verb
co-rèitich compromise, co-rèiteachadh, See: rèitich
cosg cost, cosg, Go to verb
co-sheinn chorus, co-sheinn, See: seinn
co-sheirm harmonise, co-sheirm, See: seirm
co-spàirn wrestle, co-spàirn, See: spàirn
co-thagh co-opt, co-thaghadh, See: tagh
co-tharraing draw (in sports), co-tharraing, See: tarraing
co-theannaich collapse, co-theannachadh, See: teannaich
craobh-sgaoil broadcast, craobh-sgaoileadh, Go to verb
crath shake, crathadh, Go to verb
creid believe, creidsinn, Go to verb
creideasaich accredit, creideasachadh, Go to verb
crìochnaich end, crìochnachadh, Go to verb
crìon-shearg wither, crìon-sheargadh, See: searg
crith shiver, crith, Go to verb
croch hang, crochadh, Go to verb
croch depend, crochadh, Go to verb
cruaidh-cheasnaich examine hard, cruaidh-cheasnachadh, See: ceasnaich
cruaidh-mharcaich ride hard, cruaidh-mharcachadh, See: marcaich
cruinnich collect, cruinneachadh, Go to verb
cruinnich make round, cruinneachadh, Go to verb
cruth-chaochail transfigure, cruth-chaochladh, See: caochail
cruth-shuidhich arrange, cruth-shuidheachadh, See: suidhich
cuairtich enclose, cuairteachadh, Go to verb
cuibhrich chain, cuibhreachadh, Go to verb
cuidich help, cuideachadh, Go to verb
cuimhnich remember, cuimhneachadh, Go to verb
cùimhnich remember, cùimhneachadh, See: cuimhnich
cuir put, cur, Go to verb
cùl-ghairm revoke, cùl-ghairm, See: gairm
cum keep, cumail, See: cùm
cùm keep, cumail, Go to verb
cunnt count, cunntadh, Go to verb

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dàilich delay, dàileachadh, Go to verb
daingnich fortify, daingneachadh, Go to verb
dàir copulate, dàireadh, Go to verb
dall blind, dalladh, Go to verb
danns dance, dannsa, Go to verb
daor condemn, daoradh, Go to verb
dealaich part, dealachadh, Go to verb
dealbh design, dealbhadh, Go to verb
dèan make, dèanamh, Go to verb
deann-ruith rush, deann-ruith, See: ruith
dearbh prove, dearbhadh, Go to verb
dearbh-aithnich identify, dearbh-aithneachadh, See: aithnich
deàrrs shine, deàrrsadh, Go to verb
deataich evaporate, deatachadh, Go to verb
dèilig deal, dèiligeadh, Go to verb
deoc suck, deocadh, Go to verb
deoghail suck, deoghal, Go to verb
dian-amhairc gaze, dian-amharc, See: amhairc
dian-chleachd use intensively, dian-chleachdadh, See: cleachd
dian-ghlac mesmerise, dian-ghlacadh, See: glac
dian-ionnsaich learn intensively, dian-ionnsachadh, See: ionnsaich
dian-lorgaich pursue hotly, dian-lorgachadh, See: lorgaich
dian-ruith rush, dian-ruith, See: ruith
dì-dhaingnich destabilise, dì-dhaingneachadh, See: daingnich
dì-luchdaich unload, dì-luchdadh, See: luchdaich
dì-mhill destroy, dì-mhilleadh, See: mill
dì-neartaich enfeeble, dì-neartachadh, See: neartaich
dìobair abandon, dìobradh, Go to verb
dìobhair vomit, dìobhairt, Go to verb
dìochuimhnich forget, dìochuimhneachadh, Go to verb
dìochùimhnich forget, dìochùimhneachadh, See: dìochuimhnich
diogail tickle, diogladh, Go to verb
dìol pay, dìoladh, Go to verb
dìomol disparage, dìomoladh, See: mol
dìon protect, dìon, Go to verb
dìr climb, dìreadh, Go to verb
dìrich climb, dìreadh, Go to verb
dìrich straighten, dìreachadh, Go to verb
dì-thruaill decontaminate, dì-thruailleadh, See: truaill
diùlt refuse, diùltadh, Go to verb
dlùth-cheangail bind firmly, dlùth-cheangal, See: ceangail
dòirt pour, dòrtadh, Go to verb
dochainn harm, dochann, Go to verb
dòth singe, dòthadh, Go to verb
dràibh drive, dràibheadh, Go to verb
dràibhig drive, dràibhigeadh, Go to verb
dream snarl, dreamadh, Go to verb
dreim clamber, dreamach, Go to verb
droch-chòrd have a tiff, droch-chòrdadh, See: còrd
droch-làimhsich treat badly, droch-làimhseachadh, See: làimhsich
dubh blacken, dubhadh, Go to verb
dubh-dhìol fully avenge, dubh-dhìoladh, See: dìol
dubh-loisg burn to a cinder, dubh-losgadh, See: loisg
dùin close, dùnadh, Go to verb
dùisg waken, dùsgadh, Go to verb
dùisg dig up, dùsgadh, Go to verb
dùr-amhairc gaze intently, dùr-amharc, See: amhairc
dùr-bheachdaich stare hard, dùr-bheachdachadh, See: beachdaich

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eadar-chuir interpose, eadar-chur, See: cuir
eadar-dhealaich distinguish, eadar-dhealachadh, See: dealaich
eadar-dhealaich part, eadar-dhealachadh, See: dealaich
eadar-fhigh interweave, eadar-fhighe, See: figh
eadar-gheàrr intersect, eadar-gheàrradh, See: geàrr
eadar-mhìnich interpret, eadar-mhìneachadh, Go to verb
eadar-sgaoil dissolve, eadar-sgaoileadh, Go to verb
eadar-sgar separate, eadar-sgaradh, Go to verb
eadar-sgaraich distinguish, eadar-sgarachadh, Go to verb
eadar-theangaich translate, eadar-theangachadh, Go to verb
eadar-thoinn intertwine, eadar-thoinneamh, See: toinn
èalaidh creep, èalaidh, Go to verb
earalaich caution, earaladh, Go to verb
earb confide, earbsadh, Go to verb
easaontaich disagree, easaontachadh, See: aontaich
eas-onoraich dishonour, eas-onorachadh, Go to verb
eas-òrdaich disarrange, eas-òrdachadh, See: òrdaich
eas-ùmhlaich disobey, eas-ùmhlachadh, See: ùmhlaich
eas-ùrramaich dishonour, eas-ùrramachadh, See: ùmhlaich
èigh shout, èigheach, Go to verb
eighrich freeze, eighreachadh, Go to verb
èignich force, èigneachadh, Go to verb
èirich rise, èirich, Go to verb
eiridnich nurse, eiridneachadh, Go to verb
èist listen, èisteachd, Go to verb
eug die, eugadh, Go to verb

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fàg leave (abandon), fàgail, Go to verb
faic see, faicinn, Go to verb
faigh get, faighinn, Go to verb
faighnich ask, faighneachadh, Go to verb
fàillig fail, fàilligeadh, Go to verb
fàillnich fail, fàillneachadh, See: fàillig
fairich feel, faireachdainn, Go to verb
fairich waken, faireachadh, Go to verb
faisg remove vermin, fasgadh, Go to verb
fàisg press, fàisgeadh, Go to verb
falaich hide, falach, Go to verb
falbh leave (go away), falbh, Go to verb
fan stay, fantainn, Go to verb
fanaid mock, fanaid, Go to verb
fanaidich mock, fanaideadh, Go to verb
fannaich faint, fannachadh, Go to verb
faod may, Defective verb, Go to verb
farraich force, farrach, Go to verb
fàs grow, fàs, Go to verb
fàsaich depopulate, fàsachadh, Go to verb
fasgain winnow, fasgnadh, Go to verb
fastaich employ, fastachadh, Go to verb
fastaidh employ, fastadh, Go to verb
feall-fhalaich ambush, feall-fhalach, See: falaich
fèin-chluich autoplay, fèin-chluich, See: cluich
feith wait, feitheamh, Go to verb
feuch behold, Defective verb, Go to verb
feuch try, feuchainn, Go to verb
feud may, Defective verb, See: faod
feum must, Defective verb, Go to verb
fhalbh go away, Defective verb, Go to verb
fidir perceive, Defective verb, Go to verb
figh weave, fighe, Go to verb
fill fold, filleadh, Go to verb
fior-lùghdaich minimise, fior-lùghdachadh, Go to verb
fliuch wet, fliuchadh, Go to verb
fo-chosg underspend, fo-chosg, Go to verb
fògair banish, fògradh, Go to verb
foghain suffice, foghnadh, Go to verb
foghlaim learn, foghlam, Go to verb
foillsich publish, foillseachadh, Go to verb
foir-ghlac occupy, foir-ghlacadh, See: glac
fòn phone, fònadh, Go to verb
fònaig phone, fònaigeadh, Go to verb
fo-roinn subdivide, fo-roinn, See: roinn
fosgail open, fosgladh, Go to verb
fo-sgrìobh subscribe, fo-sgrìobhadh, See: sgrìobh
fo-thiotalaich subtitle, fo-thiotalachadh, See: tiotalaich
fraidhig fry, fraidhigeadh, Go to verb
freagair answer, freagairt, Go to verb
freagair match, freagairt, Go to verb
frith-bhuail palpitate, frith-bhualadh, See: buail
frithealaich serve, frithealachadh, Go to verb
fritheil serve, frithealadh, Go to verb
frith-ghluais react, frith-ghluasad, See: gluais
frith-lèim caper, frith-lèim, See: lèim
frith-leum caper, frith-leum, See: leum
frith-thilg reflect, frith-thilgeil, See: tilg
fuaigh sew, fuaigheal, Go to verb
fuaimnich pronounce, fuaimneachadh, Go to verb
fuaraich cool, fuarachadh, Go to verb
fuaraich ease, fuarachadh, Go to verb
fuasgail untie, fuasgladh, Go to verb
fuiling suffer, fulang, Go to verb
fuin bake, fuineadh, Go to verb
fuirich stay, fuireach, Go to verb
fulaing suffer, fulang, See: fuiling

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gabh take, gabhail, Go to verb
gail cry, gal, See: guil
Gàidhealaich Gaelicise, Gàidhealachadh, Go to verb
gàirich laugh, gàireachdainn, Go to verb
gairm call, gairm, Go to verb
gann-bhruich parboil, gann-bhruich, See: bruich
gart-ghlan weed, gart-ghlanadh, See: glan
geal whiten, gealadh, Go to verb
gealaich whiten, gealachadh, Go to verb
geall promise, gealltainn, Go to verb
gearain complain, gearain, Go to verb
gearr cut, gearradh, Go to verb
geàrr cut, geàrradh, Go to verb
geum bellow, geumnaich, Go to verb
geur-amhairc search thoroughly, geur-amharc, See: amhairc
geur-lean persecute, geur-leantainn, See: lean
gin reproduce, gintinn, Go to verb
giùlain carry, giùlan, Go to verb
glac grab, glacadh, Go to verb
glais become grey, glasadh, Go to verb
glais lock, glasadh, Go to verb
glan clean, glanadh, Go to verb
glas become grey, glasadh, Go to verb
glas lock, glasadh, Go to verb
glèidh keep, glèidheadh, Go to verb
gleus adjust, gleusadh, Go to verb
gluais move, gluasad, Go to verb
glug gurgle, glugail, Go to verb
glug stammer, glugail, Go to verb
gnìomhaich act, gnìomhachadh, Go to verb
gnog knock, gnogadh, Go to verb
gog cackle, gogail, Go to verb
gog glug, gogail, Go to verb
gog nod, gogail, Go to verb
goid steal, goid, Go to verb
goil call, goil, Go to verb
goir call, goireadh, Go to verb
goir hoot, goireadh, Go to verb
goirtich acidify, gorteachadh, Go to verb
goirtich injure, gorteachadh, Go to verb
goirtich leaven, gorteachadh, Go to verb
grad-amhairc glance, grad-amharc, See: amhairc
grad-bhris burst, grad-bhriseadh, See: bris
grad-ghlac swoop, grad-ghlacadh, See: glac
grad-lèim jump quickly, grad-lèim, See: lèim
grad-leugh skim read, grad-leughadh, See: leugh
grad-leum jump quickly, grad-leum, See: leum
grad-sheall glimpse, grad-shealltainn, See: seall
greas hurry, greasadh, Go to verb
grèis embroider, grèiseadh, Go to verb
guidh pray, guidhe, Go to verb
guil cry, gul, Go to verb

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iadh circle, iadhadh, Go to verb
iar-mhair outlive, iar-mhairsinn, See: mair
iarnaig iron, iarnagadh, Go to verb
iarr ask for, iarraidh, Go to verb
iàrr ask for, iàrraidh, See: iarr
iasgaich fish, iasgach, Go to verb
iath circle, iathadh, See: iadh
imich go, imeachd, Go to verb
imlich lick, imlich, Go to verb
imrich migrate, imrich, Go to verb
in-imrich immigrate, in-imrich, See: imrich
innse tell, innis, Go to verb
in-sgrìobh inscribe, in-sgrìobhadh, See: sgrìobh
ìobair sacrifice, ìobradh, Go to verb
ioma-ghlac embrace, ioma-ghlacadh, See: glac
iomair campaign, iomairt, Go to verb
fiomair row, iomradh, Go to verb
iomair use, iomairt, Go to verb
iom-chuairtich blockade, iom-chuairteachadh, See: cuairtich
iompaich convert, iompachadh, Go to verb
iom-sheòl circumnavigate, iom-sheòladh, See: seòl
iom-sgaoil disperse, iom-sgaoileadh, See: sgaoil
ion-dhìon immunise, ion-dhìon, See: dìon
ionnlaid bathe, ionnlad, Go to verb
ionnsaich learn, ionnsachadh, Go to verb
ionndrainn miss, ionndrainn, Go to verb
is be (copula), Defective verb, Go to verb
is urrainn do can, Defective verb, See: Go to verb
itealaich fly, itealaich, Go to verb
ith eat, ithe, Go to verb

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labhair speak, labhairt, Go to verb
lagaich weaken, lagachadh, Go to verb
laigh lie (down), laighe, Go to verb
làimhsich feel, làimhseachadh, Go to verb
làn-chleachd use fully, làn-chleachdadh, See: cleachd
lasair-bhoillsg flare, lsair-bhoillsgeadh, See: boillsg
leacaich pave, leacachadh, Go to verb
leag lower, leagail, Go to verb
leagh melt, leaghadh, Go to verb
lean follow, leantainn, Go to verb
leasaich develop, leasachadh, Go to verb
leig let, leigeil, Go to verb
leighis cure, leigheas, Go to verb
lèim jump, lèim, Go to verb
lèir-ghlac engross, lèir-ghlacadh, See: glac
lèirig explain, lèirigeadh, Go to verb
lèirsgrios annihilate, lèirsgriosadh, See: sgrios
lèirsinnich visualise, lèirsinneachadh, Go to verb
leòn maim, leònadh, Go to verb
leth-bhruich parboil, leth-bhruich, See: bruich
leth-chiallaich insinuate, leth-chiallachadh, See: ciallaich
leudaich expand, leudachadh, Go to verb
leugh read, leughadh, Go to verb
leum jump, leum, Go to verb
leum-leugh skim read, leum-leughadh, See: leugh
lìon fill, lìonadh, Go to verb
liotaich lisp, liotachd, Go to verb
litrich spell, litreachadh, Go to verb
liubhair give up, liubhairt, Go to verb
liubhair give up, liubhairt, Go to verb
liubhair resign, liubhairt, Go to verb
lobh decompose, loghadh, Go to verb
loisg burn, losgadh, Go to verb
lorg discover, lorg, Go to verb
lorgaich track, lorgachadh, Go to verb
luath-mharcaich gallop, luath-mharcachadh, See: marcaich
luchdaich load, luchdadh, Go to verb
lùghdaich reduce, lùghdachadh, Go to verb

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mair last, mairsinn, Go to verb
maith forgive, mathadh, Go to verb
malairt trade, malairt, Go to verb
malairtich exchange, malairteachadh, Go to verb
mallaich curse, mallachadh, Go to verb
maoidh threaten, maoidheadh, Go to verb
marbh kill, marbhadh, Go to verb
marcaich ride, marcachadh, Go to verb
math forgive, mathadh, Go to verb
meal enjoy, mealadh, Go to verb
meall trick, mealladh, Go to verb
meanbh-ghoid pilfer, meanbh-ghoid, See: goid
meanbh-reic retail, meanbh-reic, See: reic
meas reckon, measadh, Go to verb
measg mix, measgadh, Go to verb
measgaich mix, measgachadh, Go to verb
meigeall bleat (goat), meigeallaich, Go to verb
meil mill, meileadh, Go to verb
mèil bleat (sheep), mèilich, Go to verb
miag mew, miagail, Go to verb
mì-amais miss (a target), mì-amas, See: amais
mì-chaomhain squander, mì-chaomhnadh, See: caomhain
mì-chleachd abrogate, mì-chleachdadh, See: cleachd
mì-chliùthaich discredit, mì-chliùthachadh, See: cliùthaich
mì-chòrd disagree, mì-chòrdadh, See: còrd
mì-chreid disbelieve, mì-chreidsinn, See: creid
mì-dhealbh deform, mì-dhealbhadh, See: dealbh
mì-leasaich disadvantage, mì-leasachadh, See: leasaich
mill destroy, milleadh, Go to verb
mì-mheas disrespect, mì-mheasadh, See: meas
mì-mhìsnich discourage, mì-mhìsneachadh, See: mìsnich
mì-mhìnich misinterpret, mì-mhìneachadh, See: mìnich
mì-mhol disparage, mì-mholadh, See: mol
mì-naomhaich profane, mì-naomhachadh, See: naomhaich
mìn-gheàrr mince, mìn-gheàrradh, See: geàrr
mìnich explain, mìneachadh, Go to verb
mìn-phronn pulverise, mìn-phronnadh, See: pronn
mion-cheasnaich question closely, mion-cheasnachadh, See: ceasnaich
mion-dealaich itemise, mion-dealachadh, See: dealaich
mion-fhritheil pander, mion-fhrithealadh, See: fritheil
mion-ghoid pilfer, mion-ghoid, See: goid
mion-reic retail, mion-reic, See: reic
mion-sgrùd analyse, mion-sgrùdadh, See: sgrùd
mì-riaghail mismanage, mì-riaghladh, See: riaghail
mì-riochdaich misrepresent, mì-riochdachadh, See: riochdaich
mì-shuidhich mislay, mì-shuidheachadh, See: suidhich
mìsnich encourage, mìsneachadh, Go to verb
mì-stiùir mislead, mì-stiùireadh, See: stiùir
mì-urramaich disgrace, mì-urramachadh, See: urramaich
mol praise, moladh, Go to verb
mòr-chinneasaich mass-produce, mòr-chinneasaich, See: cinneasaich
mòr-reic wholesale, mòr-reic, See: reic
mort murder, mortadh, See: murt
mothaich perceive, mothachadh, Go to verb
murt murder, murtadh, Go to verb
mùch extinguish, mùchadh, Go to verb
muin instruct, munadh, Go to verb
mùin urinate, mùin, Go to verb
mùth change, mùthadh, Go to verb

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nàirich shame, nàireachadh, Go to verb
naisg bind, nasgadh, Go to verb
naomhaich sanctify, naomhachadh, Go to verb
naomh-dhìon give refuge in a shelter, naomh-dhìon, See: dìon
nàraich insult, nàrachadh, Go to verb
neadaich nestle, neardachadh, Go to verb
neartaich strengthen, neadachadh, Go to verb
neo-chleachd abrogate, neo-chleachdadh, See: cleachd
neo-dhèan undo, neo-dhèanamh, See: dèan
neo-ghlais unlock, neo-ghlasadh, See: glais
neo-ghlas unlock, neo-ghlasadh, See: glas
neo-mhùch unmute, neo-mhùchadh, See: mùch
neo-phac unpack, neo-phacadh, See: paisg
neo-phaisg unfold, neo-phasgadh, See: pac
neo-reòth unfreeze, neo-reòthadh, See: reòth
neulaich cloud, neulachadh, Go to verb
nigh wash, nighe, Go to verb
nochd appear, nochdadh, Go to verb
notaich annotate, notachadh, Go to verb
nuadhaich renew, nuadhachadh, Go to verb

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obraich work, obair, Go to verb
oibrich work, oibreachadh, Go to verb
oir-tharraing outline, oir-tharraing, See: tarraing
òl drink, òl, Go to verb
òrdaich order, òrdachadh, Go to verb
os-chosg overspend, os-chosg, Go to verb

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pac pack, pacadh, Go to verb
pàigh pay, pàigheadh, Go to verb
pàighnich fine, pàighneachadh, Go to verb
pàirtich divide, pàirteachadh, Go to verb
paisg fold, pasgadh, Go to verb
pasaig pass an examination, pasaigeadh, Go to verb
peanasaich punish, peanasachadh, Go to verb
peant paint, peantadh, Go to verb
pòg kiss, pògadh, Go to verb
poidsig poach, poidseadh, Go to verb
pòs marry, pòsadh, Go to verb
post post, postadh, Go to verb
post trample, postadh, Go to verb
praidhig fry, praidhigeadh, Go to verb
pronn pound, pronnadh, Go to verb
put push, putadh, Go to verb

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ràc rake, ràcadh, Go to verb
rach go, dol (a dhol), Go to verb
ràn roar, rànaich, Go to verb
rannsaich analyse, rannsachadh, Go to verb
reachd-cheangail bind by decree, reachd-cheangal, See: ceangail
reic sell, reic, Go to verb
rèitich organise, rèiteachadh, Go to verb
reòdh freeze, reòdhadh, See: reòth
reòth freeze, reòthadh, Go to verb
reub rip, reubadh, Go to verb
riaghail rule, riaghladh, Go to verb
riaraich satisfy, riareachadh, Go to verb
rib trap, ribeadh, Go to verb
riochdaich represent, riochdachadh, Go to verb
ro-aithnich foresee, ro-aithneachadh, See: aithnich
ro-bheachdaich presume, ro-bheachdachadh, See: beachdaich
ro-ghabh anticipate, ro-ghabhail, See: gabh
ro-ghlac anticipate, ro-ghlacadh, See: glac
roghnaich choose, roghnachadh, Go to verb
roinn divide, roinn, Go to verb
ro-innse predict, ro-innse, See: innse
rol roll, roladh, Go to verb
ro-mheas project (estimate), ro-mheasadh, See: meas
ro-òrdaich pre-order, ro-òrdachadh, See: òrdaich
ro-phàigh prepay, ro-phàigheadh, See: pàigh
ro-rùnaich predetermine, ro-rùnachadh, See: rùnaich
ro-sheall preview, ro-shealltainn, See: seall
ro-shuidhich schedule, ro-shuidheachadh, See: suidhich
ròst roast, ròstadh, Go to verb
ruig reach, ruigsinn, Go to verb
rùisg peel, rùsgadh, Go to verb
ruith run, ruith, Go to verb
rùnaich intend, rùnachadh, Go to verb
rùraich search for, rùrach, Go to verb
rùsg beat, rùsgadh, Go to verb

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sabaid fight, sabaid, Go to verb
sàbhail save, sàbhaladh, Go to verb
salaich dirty, salachadh, Go to verb
saltair tread, saltairt, Go to verb
samhlaich compare, samhlachadh, Go to verb
saoil wonder, saoilsinn, Go to verb
sàr-mhìnich define, sàr-mhìneachadh, See: mìnich
seachnaich avoid, seachnachadh, Go to verb
sealbhaich possess, sealbhachadh, Go to verb
sealg hunt, sealg, Go to verb
seall show, sealltainn, Go to verb
seanchas conversing, seanchas, Defective verb, Go to verb
searg dry, seargadh, Go to verb
seas stand, seasamh, Go to verb
seasgaich sterilise, seasgachadh, Go to verb
sèid blow, sèideadh, Go to verb
seinn sing, seinn, Go to verb
seirm ring, seirm, Go to verb
seòl sail, seòladh, Go to verb
seòrsaich sort, seòrsachadh, Go to verb
sgaoil disperse, sgaoileadh, Go to verb
sgar separate, sgaradh, Go to verb
sgaraich separate, sgarachadh, Go to verb
sgiamh shriek, sgiamhail, Go to verb
sgiath fly, sgiathadh, Go to verb
sgioblaich tidy, sgioblachadh, Go to verb
sgithich ski, sgitheadh, Go to verb
sgread scream, sgreadadh, Go to verb
sgrìobh write, sgrìobhadh, Go to verb
sgrios destroy, sgriosadh, Go to verb
sgròb scratch, sgròbadh, Go to verb
sgrùd examine, sgrùdadh, Go to verb
sguab sweep, sguabadh, Go to verb
sguir stop, sgur, Go to verb
sìor-chleachd use frequently, sìor-chleachdadh, See: cleachd
sìor-iarr importune, sìor-iarraidh, See: iarr
sìor-theannaich get nearer and nearer, sìor-theannachadh, See: teannaich
sìn stretch, sìneadh, Go to verb
sitrich bray, sitrich, Go to verb
sitrich neigh, sitrich, Go to verb
siubhail travel, siubhal, Go to verb
siuthad go on, Defective verb, Go to verb
slànaich heal, slànachadh, Go to verb
slàn-reic wholesale, slàn-reic, See: reic
slaop poach (cooking), slaopadh, Go to verb
smachdaich control, smachdachadh, Go to verb
smaoinich think, smaoineachadh, Go to verb
smaointich think, smaointeachadh, See: smaoinich
smuainich think, smuaineachadh, See: smaoinich
smuaintich think, smuainteachadh, See: smaoinich
smoc smoke, smocadh, Go to verb
snàig creep, snàgail, Go to verb
snàmh swim, snàmh, Go to verb
soirbhich succeed, soirbheachadh, Go to verb
solair provide, solar, Go to verb
solaraich provide, solarachadh, Go to verb
sòr hesitate, sòradh, Go to verb
spàirn struggle, spàirn, Go to verb
spèil slip, spèileadh, Go to verb
spreadh burst, spreadhadh, Go to verb
sreap climb, sreap, Go to verb
stad stop, stadadh, Go to verb
stàit-shealbhaich nationalise, stàit-shealbhachadh, See: sealbhaich
stiall streak, stialladh, Go to verb
stic stick (adhere), sticeadh, Go to verb
stic stick (poke), sticeadh, Go to verb
stiùir lead, stiùireadh, Go to verb
stèidhich establish, stèidheachadh, Go to verb
stèidh establish, stèidheadh, See: stèidhich
streap climb, streap, See: sreap
strì strive, strì, Go to verb
suainealaich hypnotise, suainealachadh, Go to verb
suath rub, suathadh, Go to verb
suidh sit, suidhe, Go to verb
suidhich locate, suidheachadh, Go to verb
sùilich expect, sùileachadh, Go to verb

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tabhannaich bark, tabhannaich, Go to verb
tabhainn bark, tabhainnich, Go to verb
tabhainn offer, tabhann, Go to verb
tachair happen, tachairt, Go to verb
tadhail visit, tadhal, Go to verb
tagair claim, tagairt, Go to verb
tagh choose, taghadh, Go to verb
taic support, taiceadh, Go to verb
taidhp type, taidhpeadh, Go to verb
tairg offer, tairgsinn, Go to verb
taisbean show, taisbeanadh, Go to verb
taisbein show, taisbeanadh, Go to verb
taisg deposit, tasgadh, Go to verb
tàlaidh attract, tàladh, Go to verb
tàlaidh soothe, tàladh, Go to verb
tàmh rest, tàmh, Go to verb
tar-aisig transfer, tar-aiseag, See: aisig
tar-àithn override, tar-àithneadh, See: àithn
tar-cheumnaich transcend, tar-cheumnachadh, See: ceumnaich
tar-cheasnaich cross-examine, tar-cheasnachadh, See: ceasnaich
tar-chosg overspend, tar-chosg, See: cosg
tar-chuir transplant, tar-chur, See: cuir
tar-iadh overlap, tar-iadhadh, See: iadh
tar-iath overlap, tar-iathadh, See: iadh
tar-laigh overlap, tar-laighe, See: laigh
tar-mhùch extinguish completely, tar-mhùchadh, See: mùch
tarraing pull, tarraing, Go to verb
tar-sgaoil waive, tar-sgaoileadh, See: sgaoil
tar-sgrìobh transcribe, tar-sgrìobhadh, See: sgrìobh
tathainn offer, tathann, Go to verb
teagaisg teach, teagasg, Go to verb
teannaich tighten, teannachadh, Go to verb
tèarainn escape, tèarnadh, Go to verb
teàrn descend, teàrnadh, Go to verb
teich flee, teicheadh, Go to verb
teirinn descend, teàrnadh, Go to verb
thalla go away, Defective verb, Go to verb
thar seem, Defective verb, See: ar
theab nearly, Defective verb, Go to verb
thig come, tighinn (a thighinn), Go to verb
thoir give, toirt, Go to verb
thugainn come along, Defective verb, Go to verb
tilg throw, tilgeil, Go to verb
till return, tilleadh, Go to verb
tionndaidh turn, tionndadh, Go to verb
tioram-ghlan dry clean, tioram-ghlanadh, See: glan
tiormaich dry, tiormachadh, Go to verb
tiotalaich entitle, tiotalachadh, Go to verb
tiugainn come along, Defective verb, Go to verb
tog lift, togail, Go to verb
togair wish, togradh, Go to verb
toinn twist, toinneamh, Go to verb
toirmisg ban, toirmeasg, Go to verb
toirm-spreadh detonate, toirm-spreadhadh, See: spreadh
tòisich begin, tòiseachadh, Go to verb
tomhais measure, tomhas, Go to verb
tràchd treat, tràchdadh, Go to verb
traisg fast, trasgadh, Go to verb
traogh empty, traoghadh, Go to verb
tras-cheasnaich heckle, tras-cheasnachadh, See: ceasnaich
treabh plough, treabhadh, Go to verb
trèan train, trèanadh, Go to verb
treòraich guide, treòrachadh, Go to verb
trìd-dheataich transpire, trìd-dheatachadh, Go to verb
trobhad come on, Defective verb, Go to verb
troid argue, trod, Go to verb
trod argue, trod, Go to verb
truaill pollute, truailleadh, Go to verb
truis snatch, truiseadh, Go to verb
trus snatch, trusadh, Go to verb
tur-rannsaich analyse, tur-rannsachadh, See: rannsaich
tuig understand, tuigsinn, Go to verb
tuit fall, tuiteam, Go to verb

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ubagaich enchant, ubagachadh, Go to verb
uchd-mhacaich adopt, uchd-mhacachadh, Go to verb
uidheamaich equip, uidheamachadh, Go to verb
uilleagaich elbow, uilleagachadh, Go to verb
uillnich elbow, uillneachadh, Go to verb
uilnich elbow, uilneachadh, See: uillnich
uinnlich elbow, uinnleachadh, See: uillnich
ullaich prepare, ullachadh, Go to verb
ùmhlaich obey, ùmhlachadh, Go to verb
ùraich refresh, ùrachadh, Go to verb
ùrlaraich pave, ùrlarachadh, Go to verb
urramaich dignify, urramachadh, Go to verb

