Full Reference List of Cornish Verbs

Each entry consists of the verb, its primary meaning, the consonant doubled for the subjunctive and the link to its page. Not all verbs will have their own dedicated conjugation. In many cases, the link will go to the verb whose pattern it copies for its paradigm. For example, the verb kempenna (to tidy) conjugates in the same way as the verb afina (to decorate), so you use the conjugation of afina as your guide.

Some verbs are only found in the verbal noun form and are not conjugated. These verbs are only used with auxiliary verbs, and are so indicated in the full list. For example, the verb gwibessa (to waste time, to hunt gnats) is only be used with auxiliary verbs. However, in recent times, some of these verbs have begun to be conjugated, such as prenassa.

Defective verbs do not have a full range of conjugations and are only used in certain forms.

Verbs ending in -he have the emphasis on this syllable. For example, berrhe, berrha, berrhys, berrhaha and berrhasen etc.

The letter ò indicates the special pronunciation of o as an unrounded o. This has a similar sound to the uh in uh-huh. The IPA symbol for this sound is ɤ. In Late Cornish, this sound was pronounced more like oo as in push. Note that this sound is not usually indicated or written with an accent except for learning purposes.

Where the spelling differs in Kernewek Kemmyn, this is indicated for the infinitive form of the verb only.

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abattya to beat down, -tt-, See: afydhya
abhorrya to abhorr, -rr-, See: afydhya
absolvya to absolve, -lf-, See: afydhya
abusya to abuse, -ss-, See: usya
addya to add, -tt-, See: afydhya
adhvesi to ripen, -ss-, Go to verb
adhyski to educate, -sk-, See: dyski
adoptya to adopt, -pt-, See: afydhya
afia to affirm, -fi-, Go to verb
afina to decorate, -nn-, Go to verb
affirmya to affirm, -rm-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: affyrmya)
afydhya to assure, -tth-, See: Go to verb
agria to agree, -ri-, See: afia
(KK spelling: agrya)
akceptya to accept, -pt-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: akseptya)
akontya to account, -nt-, Go to verb
akordya to agree, -rt-, Go to verb
aktya to act, -kt-, See: afydhya
akusya to accuse, -ss-, See: usya
akwirya to acquire, -rr-, See: afydhya
akwytya to pay off, -tt-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: akwitya)
alejya to allege, -cch-, See: afydhya
alhwedha to lock, -tth-, Go to verb
alinya to align, -nn-, See: delinya
alowa to allow, -w-, See: afina
amala to abut, -ll-, Go to verb
amanynna to butter, -nn-, See: afina
amaya to dismay, -y-, Go to verb
ambosa to promise, -ss-, Go to verb
amendya to make right, -nt-, See: afydhya
ametha to farm, -tth-, See: afina
(KK spelling: ammetha)
amma to kiss, -mm-, Go to verb
amontya to reckon, -nt-, Go to verb
amovya to agitate, -ff-, See: movya
amyttya to admit, -tt-, See: afydhya
anedhi to inhabit, -tth-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: annedhi)
anella to breathe, -ll-, Go to verb
angra to be angry, -nkr-, Go to verb
ania to annoy, -ni-, See: afia
(KK spelling: annia)
ankenya to inflict grief, -nn-, See: afydhya
ankevi to forget, -ff-, Go to verb
ankombra to embarrass, -mpr-, Go to verb
ankorya to anchor, -rr-, See: afydhya
ankresya to disturb, -ss-, See: afydhya
anoyntya to anoint, -nt-, See: afydhya
anwosi to catch cold, -ss-, See: adhvesi
(KK spelling: anwoesi)
aperya to harm, -rr-, See: afydhya
apoyntya to appoint, -nt-, See: afydhya
apposya to examine, -ss-, Go to verb
aras to plough, -rr-, Go to verb
araya to arrange, -y-, See: amaya
arbenigi to specialise, -kk-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: arbennigi)
arbrevi to experiment, -ff-, See: previ
arbrisya to evaluate, -ss-, See: afydhya
ardaga to check (in chess), -kk-, See: taga
ardhynya to seduce, -nn-, See: dynya
ardyghtya to cope (with), -ght-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: ardhyghtya)
arenebi to surface, -pp-, See: enebi
arethya to lecture, -tth-, Go to verb
argeles to sequester, -ll-, See: keles
argemynna to advertise, -nn-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: argemmynna)
argerdhes to process, -rth-, See: kerdhes
argevri to donate, -ll-, See: ri
argha to load, -rgh-, See: tava
arghanskwetha to silver-plate, -tth-, See: afina
arghasa to fund, -ss-, See: tava
arghena to put on shoes, -nn-, See: afina
arholya to examine, -ll-, See: afydhya
argrefhe to amplify, -hah-, See: berrhe
(KK spelling: argrevhe)
argya to argue, -rk-, Go to verb
arhwilas to scan, -ll-, See: hwilas
arhwithra to survey, -tth-, See: hwithra
arlena to adhere, -nn-, See: afina
arlenwel to top up, -nw-, See: lenwel
arlesa to dilate, -ss-, See: afina
arliwa to tint, -w-, See: liwa
(KK spelling: arliwya)
arnewa to storm, -w-, Go to verb
arnowydhhe to modernise, -hah-, See: berrhe
arva to arm, -rf-, Go to verb
arvedh to insult, -tth-, Go to verb
arveth to employ, -tth-, Go to verb
arvreusi to criticise, -ss-, See: breusi
arwaska to squeeze out, -sk-, See: gwaska
arwedhya to symbolise, -tth-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: arwoedha)
arwòstla to pledge, -stl-, See: gostla
(KK spelling: arwoestla)
asklosi to chip, -ss-, See: asklosi
(KK spelling: askloesi)
askorra to produce, -rr-, See: gorra
askribya to ascribe, -pp-, See: afydhya
askrifa to attribute, -ff-, See: skrifa
askusya to excuse, -ss-, See: usya
aslamma to bounce, -mm-, See: lamma
aslea to replace, -e-, See: dilea
aspia to observe, -pi-, See: afia
ascendya to ascend, -nt-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: assendya)
assaltya to assault, -lt-, See: afydhya
assaya to try, -y-, Go to verb
assembla to assemble, -mpl-, See: rambla
assentya to agree, -nt-, See: afydhya
assoylya to absolve, -ll-, See: afydhya
assurya to assure, -rr-, See: afydhya
astel to cease, -ll-, See: afina
astelwolya to windsurf, -ll-, See: golya
(KK spelling: astellwoelya)
astiveri to compensate, -rr-, Go to verb
astiveri to restore (figuratively), -rr-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: asver)
aswia to make a gap, -wi-, See: afia
aswiwa to adapt, -w-, See: afina
aswolghi to backwash, -lgh-, See: golghi
aswon to recognise, -nn-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: aswonn)
attamya to attempt, -mm-, See: afydhya
attaynya to attain, -nn-, See: afydhya
attendya to pay attention, -nt-, See: afydhya
attyli to repay, -ll-, See: tyli
avalowa to pick apples, -w-, See: knowa
avaylya to avail, -ll-, See: afydhya
assentya to agree, -nt-, See: afydhya
aventurya to speculate (financially), -rr-, See: afydhya
avisya to take note of, -ss-, See: afydhya
avleythi to harden, -tth-, See: adhvesi
avochya to vouch, -cch-, See: afydhya
avonsya to advance, -ns-, See: afydhya
avowa to admit, -w-, Go to verb
awedhya to influence, -tth-, See: afydhya
aweni to inspire, -nn-, See: adhvesi
aweyla to evangelise, -ll-, See: afina
ayra to air, -rr-, See: afina
ayrella to ventilate, -ll-, See: afina
ayrewnella to air-condition, -ll-, See: afina
ayrgregi to hang-glide, -kk-, See: kregi

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backbitya to backbite, -tt-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: bakbitya)
badhya to bathe, -tth-, Go to verb
bagha to trap, -ggh-, Go to verb
balegi to jut out, -kk-, See: mosegi
balya to beat, -ll-, See: argya
bankskwattya to bankrupt, -tt-, See: afydhya
bannya to read banns, -nn-, See: argya
banyshya to banish, -ssh-, See: afydhya
bargesi to hover, -ss-, See: adhvesi
bargynnya to bargain, -nn-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: bargenya)
barlenna to hold on the lap, -nn-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: barrlenna)
barna to adjudicate, -rn-, See: tava
barrhe to exalt, -hah-, See: berrhe
barrya to bolt, -rr-, See: afydhya
basa to stun, -ss-, See: tava
basfria to shallow-fry, -ri-, See: fria
bashe to grow shallow, -hah-, See: berrhe
batalyas to do battle, -ll-, Go to verb
batha to coin, -tth-, See: tava
baya to kiss, -y-, See: amaya
bedha to dare, -tth-, Go to verb
bedhygla to bellow, -kkl-, Go to verb
beggya to beg, -kk-, See: afydhya
beghya to burden, -ggh-, Go to verb
begi to bray, -kk-, See: segi
benyga to bless, -kk-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: benniga)
benyna to womanise - Verbal noun only. Use with auxiliary verbs.
bera to flow, -rr-, See: afina
bernya to matter, Defective verb, Go to verb
bernya to pile up, -rn-, Go to verb
berrhe to shorten, -hah-, Go to verb
berrskrifa to summarise, -ff-, See: skrifa
berrolya to shortlist, -ll-, See: rolya
berya to run through (with a sword), -rr-, See: afydhya
besydhya to baptise, -tth-, See: afydhya
beudhi to drown, -tth-, Go to verb
bewa to live, -w-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: bywa)
bewbedri to biodegrade, -ttr-, See: pedri
(KK spelling: bywbedri)
bewdreghi to vivisect, -ggh-, See: treghi
(KK spelling: bywdreghi)
bewekhe to animate, -hah-, See: berrhe
(KK spelling: bywekhe)
bitya to bite, -tt-, See: afydhya
blamya to blame, -mm-, See: argya
blasa to taste, -ss-, Go to verb
blessya to bless, -ss-, See: afydhya
bleuthhe to tenderise, -hah-, See: berrhe
(KK spelling: bleudhhe)
bleudhya to weaken, -tth-, See: afydhya
bleujyowa to blossom, -w-, Go to verb
bleynya to sharpen, -nn-, See: afydhya
bloghhe to make bald, -hah-, See: berrhe
bockla to buckle, -kkl-, Go to verb
bodhara to become deaf, -rr-, See: tava
bodharhe to deafen, -hah-, See: berrhe
boghosekhe to impoverish, -hah-, See: berrhe
boksusi to punch, -ss-, See: adhvesi
bolgha to breach, -lgh-, See: afina
bonkya to knock, -nk-, See: afydhya
bos or bones to be, Go to verb
bosa to feed, -ss-, See: afina
(KK spelling: boesa)
bostya to boast, -st-, Go to verb
botella to bottle, -ll-, See: afina
botha to emboss, -tth-, See: afina
botonya to button, -nn-, See: afydhya
braga to brew, -kk-, Go to verb
braggya to menace, -kk-, Go to verb
brallya to dent, -ll-, See: argya
bramma to fart, -mm-, Go to verb
brasa to plot, -ss-, See: tava
brashe to enlarge, -hah-, See: berrhe
brasleverel to boast, -rr-, See: leverel
bratha to bite, -tth-, Go to verb
braysya to braise, -ss-, See: afydhya
brennya to direct, -nn-, Go to verb
breseli to make war, -ll-, See: adhvesi
breusi to judge, -ss-, Go to verb
brewi to bruise, -w-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: brywi)
breyna to rot, -nn-, See: afina
britha to dapple, -tth-, See: afina
brogha to make a fuss, -ggh-, Go to verb
bronna to breastfeed, -nn-, See: afina
brosa to provoke, -ss-, Go to verb
brosya to embroider, -ss-, Go to verb
broweghi to terrify, -ggh-, Go to verb
browsi to crumble, -ss-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: brywsi)
broylya to broil, -ll-, See: afydhya
bryjyon to boil, -cch-, Go to verb
bryskartha to brainwash, -rth-, See: afina
bryvya to bleat, -ff-, See: afydhya
bugelya to herd, -ll-, See: afydhya
byghanhe to reduce, -hah-, See: berrhe
byldya to build, -lt-, See: afydhya
byrla to hug, -rl-, Go to verb
bysya to finger, -ss-, See: afydhya
bywhe to activate, -hah-, See: berrhe

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certifia to certify, -fi-, See: Go to verb
(KK spelling: sertifia)
cessya to cease, -ss-, See: Go to verb
(KK spelling: sessya)
cirkumsisya to circumcise, -ss-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: sirkumsisya)

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chalenjya to challenge, -nch-, Go to verb
chanjya to change, -nch-, Go to verb
charjya to make responsible, -rch-, See: chanjya
chastia to chastise, -st-, Go to verb
chassya to chase, -ss-, See: brosya
(KK spelling: chasya)
chaynya to chain, -nn-, See: afydhya
checkya to check, -kk-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: chekkya)
chersya to caress, -rs-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: chershya)
cherya to cheer up, -rr-, Go to verb
chevisya to borrow, -ss-, Go to verb
chiladra to burgle, -ttr-, See: ladra
chonsya to chance, -ns-, Go to verb

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dadhla to argue, -tthl-, Go to verb
dagrewi to shed tears, -w-, Go to verb
dalghenna to grasp, -nn-, Go to verb
dalla to blind, -ll-, Go to verb
dalleth to begin, -tth-, Go to verb
dallhe to dazzle, -hah-, Go to verb
dampnya to damn, -mpn-, Go to verb
danvon to send, -nn-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: dannvon)
darambosa to stipulate, -ss-, See: ambosa
darbari to equip, -rr-, Go to verb
dardhegi to convect, -kk-, See: don
dardhyghtya to dictate (to a secretary), -ght-, See: dyghtya
dargana to forecast, -nn-, Go to verb
darleverel to predict, -rr-, See: leverel
daromres to oscillate, -ss-, Go to verb
darsewya to prosecute, -w-, See: sewya
(KK spelling: darsywya)
darvos to happen, Defective verb, Go to verb
darwarnya to forewarn, -rn-, See: afydhya
darweri to forewarn, -rr-, See: ygeri
dasa to stack, -ss-, See: tava
dasafina to redecorate, -nn-, See: afina
dasanedhi to resettle, -tth-, See: anedhi
dasarva to resarm, -rf-, See: arva
dasarvedh to retaliate, -tth-, See: arvedh
dasentra to re-enter, -tr-, See: entra
dasfreythya to refract, -tth-, See: afydhya
dasfurvya to reform, -rf-, See: afydhya
dashenwel to rename, -nw-, See: henwel
(KK spelling: das-henwel)
dashwarvos to recur, Defective verb, See: hwarvos
(KK spelling: das-hwarvos)
dashwithra to review, -tth-, See: hwithra
(KK spelling: das-hwithra)
daskarga to recharge, -rk-, See: karga
daskarga to reload, -rk-, See: karga
daskavos to recover, -ff-, See: kavos
daskelwel to recall, -lw-, See: gelwel
daskodha to relapse, -tth-, See: kodha
daskor to restore, -rr-, See: gorra
(KK spelling: daskorr)
daskemeres to resume, -rr-, See: kemeres
(KK spelling: daskemmeres)
dasknias to chew cud, -ni-, See: knias
daskwertha to retail, -rth-, See: gwertha
daslea to relocate, -e-, See: dilea
daslemmel to ricochet, -mm-, See: lemmel
daslenki to gulp down, -nk-, See: lenki
daslenwel to replenish, -nw-, See: lenwel
dasleverel to repeat, -rr-, See: leverel
dasliva to give feedback, -ff-, See: afina
dasoberi to react, -rr-, See: oberi
dasordena to reorganise, -nn-, See: ordena
daspobla to repopulate, -ppl-, Go to verb
dasprena to buy back, -nn-, See: prena
dasprintya to reprint, -nt-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: daspryntya)
dasredya to re-read, -tt-, See: redya
dasrenka to rearrange (in order), -nk-, See: afina
dasrestra to rearrange, -str-, See: restra
dasseni to echo, -nn-, See: seni
dasserghi to revive, -rgh-, Go to verb
dassettya to reset, -tt-, See: settya
dasskrifa to rewrite, -ff-, See: skrifa
dastalleth to restart, -tth-, See: dalleth
dastanvon to resend, -nn-, See: danvon
(KK spelling: dastannvon)
dastardha to resurge, -rth-, See: tardha
dastarlesa to repeat (broadcast), -ss-, See: afina
dastemedhi to remarry, -tth-, See: demedhi
dastesedha to re-adjust, -tth-, See: desedha
dastewynnya to reflect, -nn-, See: dewynnya
dastineythi to regenerate, -tth-, See: dineythi
dastisplegya to re-develop, -kk-, See: plegya
dastochya to retouch, -cch-, See: afydhya
dastrehevel to reconstruct, -ff-, See: drehevel
dastyllo to republish, -ll-, See: dyllo
<dasunya to reunite, -nn-, See: afydhya
dasverkya to remake (mark again), -rk-, See: afydhya
dasvewa to live again, -w-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: dasvywa)
dasvewa to revive, -w-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: dasvywa)
daswaynya to reclaim, -nn-, See: afydhya
dasweles to review, -ll-, See: gweles
daswertha to resell, -rth-, See: gwertha
dasynkarnatya to reincarnate, -tt-, See: argya
daromres to oscillate, -ss-, Go to verb
debatya to debate, -tt-, See: argya
debisya to debit, -ss-, See: afydhya
debreni to itch, -nn-, Go to verb
decessya to die, -ss-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: desessya)
decevya to deceive, -ff-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: desevya)
dedhewi to promise, -w-, Go to verb
defamya to defame, -mm-, See: afydhya
defendya to defend, -nt-, See: afydhya
defendya to delete, -nt-, See: afydhya
defendya to erase, -nt-, See: afydhya
defia to defy, -fi-, See: afia
defolya to pollute, -ll-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: defola)
defowtya to default, -tt-, See: afydhya
degea to shut, -e-, Go to verb
degedhekhe to decimalise, -hah-, See: berrhe
degemeres to take, -rr-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: degemmeres)
degevi to pay tithe, -ff-, See: adhvesi
deghenna to (make) cream, -nn-, See: afina
(KK spelling: dyenna)
deghesi to fling, -ss-, See: adhvesi
deglena to shiver, -nn-, See: afina
(KK spelling: degrena)
degodha to behove, Defective verb, Go to verb
(KK spelling: degoedha)
degynsywa to impend, -w-, Go to verb
dehelghya to chase along, -lgh-, See: helghya
dehweles to return, -ll-, Go to verb
deklarya to declare, -rr-, See: afydhya
deklinya to decline, -nn-, See: afydhya
delatya to postpone, -tt-, See: argya
deledhi to be proper, Defective verb, Go to verb
(KK spelling: delledhi)
delenwel to influence, -nw-, See: lenwel
deleva to yawn, -ff-, See: afina
delinya to draw, -nn-, Go to verb
delitya to delight, -tt-, See: afydhya
delivra to deliver, -ffr-, Go to verb
delya to put forth leaves, -ll-, See: afydhya
delyowa to collect leaves, -w-, Go to verb
demedhi to marry, -tth-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: demmedhi)
demondya to demand, -nt-, See: afydhya
dena to suck, -nn-, See: ordena
denagha to reject, -ggh-, See: nagha
dendyl to earn, -ll-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: dendil)
denladha to commit manslaughter, -tth-, See: ladha
denladra to abduct, -ttr-, See: ladra
densel to munch, -ns-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: dynsel)
departya to depart, -rt-, See: afydhya
deraylya to scold, -ll-, See: draylya
derivas to report, -ff-, Go to verb
dervyn to demand, -nn-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: dervynn)
desedha to adjust, -tth-, Go to verb
desegha to dry out, -ggh-, See: segha
(KK spelling: desygha)
deservya to deserve, -rf-, See: afydhya
desinya to design, -nn-, See: afydhya
desirya to desire, -rr-, See: afydhya
deskerni to snarl, -rn-, See: ygeri
deskria to descry, -ri-, See: afia
deskrifa to describe, -ff-, See: skrifa
despitya to insult, -tt-, See: afydhya
desta to testify, -st-, Go to verb
destna to destine, -stn-, Go to verb
destryppya to strip, -pp-, See: afydhya
determya to determine, -rm-, See: afydhya
devessa to chase sheep - Verbal noun only. Use with auxiliary verbs.
devisya to devise, -ss-, See: afydhya
devnydhya to utilise, -tth-, See: afydhya
devorya to devour, -rr-, See: afydhya
devynna to quote, -nn-, See: afina
dewana to penetrate, -nn-, See: tava
dewblekhe to duplicate, -hah-, See: berrhe
dewi to kindle, -w-, See: enowi
dewis to choose, -ss-, Go to verb
dewolowi to irradiate, -w-, See: adhvesi
diwosa to draw blood from, -ss-, See: afina
(KK spelling: diwoesa)
dewraga to gush, -kk-, Go to verb
dewynnya to radiate, -nn-, Go to verb
diagnosa to disagnose, -ss-, See: afina
diala to avenge, -ll-, See: tava
(KK spelling: diella)
dialhwedha to unlock, -tth-, See: alhwedha
dianedhi to make homeless, -tth-, See: anedhi
diank to escape, -nk-, Go to verb
dianowi to yawn, -w-, See: adhvesi
diaskorna to bone, -rn-, Go to verb
dibenna to behead, -nn-, See: afina
diberth to depart, -rth-, Go to verb
dibluva to pluck (feathers), -ff-, See: afina
dibobla to depopulate, -ppl-, Go to verb
diboltra to dust (off), -ltr-, See: hwithra
dibra to saddle, -ppr-, Go to verb
didakla to dismantle, -kkl-, See: takla
didhana to entertain, -nn-, Go to verb
didheghenna to skim (milk), -nn-, See: afina
(KK spelling: didhyenna)
didhemedhi to divorce, -tth-, See: demedhi
didheuri to concern, Defective verb, Go to verb
didhowra to dehydrate, -rr-, See: dowra
didreylya to divert, -ll-, See: treylya
didrogentra to unscrew, -ntr-, See: restra
didrossa to unpack, -ss-, See: afina
diegri to pant, -kkr-, See: hwithra
(KK spelling: dyegri)
dielvenna to analyse, -nn-, See: afina
diena to pant, -nn-, See: afina
(KK spelling: dyena)
dienora to dishonour, -rr-, See: afina
dierbynna to encounter, -nn-, See: afina
(KK spelling: dyerbynna)
difastya to unfasten, -st-, Go to verb
difasya to disfgure, -ss-, See: afydhya
difen to forbid, -nn-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: difenn)
difenlettya to veto, -tt-, See: lettya
(KK spelling: difennlettya)
difeythya to lay waste, -tth-, See: afydhya
diformya to unmake, -rm-, See: afydhya
difres to defend, -ss-, Go to verb
difudhi to extinguish, -tth-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: difeudhi)
difuna to wake, -nn-, Go to verb
difurvya to deform, -rf-, See: afydhya
difygya to fall short, -kk-, Go to verb
digamma to straighten out, -mm-, See: amma
digelmi to untie, -lm-, See: kelmi
digemyska to sort out, -sk-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: digemmyska)
digenertha to discourage, -rth-, See: kenertha
(KK spelling: digennertha)
digeredhi to excuse, -tth-, See: adhvesi
digevelsi to disjoint, -ls-, Go to verb
diglevesi to disinfect, -ss-, See: adhvesi
digodenni to decode, -nn-, See: adhvesi
digolenni to depress, -nn-, See: adhvesi
digorkynna to uncork, -nn-, See: afina
digòswiga to deforest, -kk-, See: afina
(KK spelling: digoeswiga)
digrafella to declutch, -ll-, See: afina
digresenni to decentralise, -nn-, See: adhvesi
digresenni to devolve, -nn-, See: adhvesi
digressya to decrease, -ss-, See: kressya
digudha to expose, -tth-, See: kudha
dihares to apologise, -ss-, Go to verb
dihevelebi to alter, -pp-, Go to verb
dihynsya to deviate, -ns-, See: afydhya
dilasa to clothe, -ss-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: dillasa)
dilea to remove, -e-, Go to verb
dileshya to unleash, -ssh-, See: afydhya
dilestra to disembark, -st-, Go to verb
dileytha to dehumidify, -tth-, See: afina
diliwa to fade, -w-, See: liwa
dilughya to demist, -ggh-, See: afydhya
dinamma to remove a stain, -mm-, See: afina
dinertha to neutralise, -rth-, See: afina
dinewi to shed, -w-, Go to verb
dineythi to give birth, -tth-, Go to verb
diogeli to secure, -ll-, See: adhvesi
diomberthi to unbalance, -rth-, See: perthi
diredhya to degrade, -tth-, See: afydhya
direktya to direct, -kt-, See: afydhya
direythya to degrade, -tth-, See: afydhya
dirolya to unroll, -ll-, See: rolya
diruska to peel, -sk-, Go to verb
disakordya to disagree, -rt-, See: akordya
disakra to profane, -kkr-, See: sakra
disarva to disarm, -rf-, See: arva
discernya to discern, -rn-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: dissernya)
disdaynya to disdain, -nn-, See: afydhya
disebilya to unplug, -ll-, See: afydhya
disedha to unseat, -tth-, See: esedha
disegha to refresh, -ggh-, See: segha
(KK spelling: disygha)
disenora to dishonour, -rr-, See: afina
diserri to placate, -rr-, See: serri
disesya to put ill at ease, -ss-, See: esya
disevel to upset, -ff-, See: sevel
disfavera to discriminate against, -rr-, See: afina
diskansa to scale (a fish), -ns-, See: afina
diskara to collapse, -rr-, Go to verb
diskarga to discharge, -rk-, See: karga
diskarga to unload, -rk-, See: karga
diskeudhi to relieve (mentally), -tth-, See: adhvesi
diskevelsi to disconnect, -ls-, See: digevelsi
diskevra to discover, -ffr-, See: hwithra
disklerya to declare, -rr-, See: afydhya
disklosya to disclose, -ss-, See: afydhya
disklusa to unstick, -ss-, See: afina
diskolya to decarbonise, -ll-, See: afydhya
diskomendya to disapprove, -nt-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: diskommendya)
diskonfortya to discourage, -rt-, See: afydhya
diskontya to discount, -nt-, See: afydhya
diskrewya to unscrew, -w-, See: afydhya
diskrysi to disbelieve, -ss-, See: krysi
diskudha to discover, -tth-, See: kudha
diskwedhes to show, -tth-, Go to verb
dislenni to unveil, -nn-, See: lenni
disliwa to discolour, -w-, See: liwa
dismaylya to unwrap, -ll-, See: afydhya
dismygi to imagine, -kk-, Go to verb
dismygriva to estimate (a number), -ff-, See: afina
dismygwari to improvise, -ri-, See: gwari
disobaya to disobey, -y-, See: amaya
disomdhiskwedhes to disappear, -tth-, See: diskwedhes
dispersya to disperse, -rs-, See: afydhya
displegya to develop, -kk-, See: plegya
displesya to please, -ss-, See: plesya
displetya to display, -tt-, Go to verb
displewyas to splay, -w-, See: afydhya
disposya to dispose, -ss-, See: afydhya
dispresya to despise, -ss-, See: afydhya
disprevi to disprove, -ff-, See: previ
disputya to argue, -tt-, See: afydhya
dissaytya to deceive, -tt-, See: afydhya
dissembla to dissemble, -mpl-, See: rambla
dissentya to dissent, -nt-, See: afydhya
distaga to detach, -kk-, See: staga
distempra to upset, -pr-, See: tempra
distibutya to distribute, -ss-, See: afydhya
distrui to destroy, -tru-, Go to verb
diswaytyas to disappoint, -tt-, See: afydhya
diswruthyl to undo, -ll-, See: gul
diswul to ruin, -ll-, See: gul
diswuthyl to undo, -ll-, See: gul
disya to dice (meat), -ss-, See: afydhya
disynklevya to disinfect, -ff-, See: afydhya
divagli to disentangle, -kkl-, See: magli
divarva to shave, -rf-, See: afina
diveghya to unburden, -ggh-, See: beghya
diveri to pour, -rr-, See: adhvesi
divershe to diversify, -hah-, See: berrhe
divlasa to disgust, -ss-, See: blasa
divòmma to buffer, -mm-, See: afina
(KK spelling: divoemma)
divotonya to unbutton, -nn-, See: afydhya
divroa to migrate, -oy-, Go to verb
divyn to chop, -nn-, Go to verb
diwedha to end, -tth-, Go to verb
diwernya to dismast, -rn-, See: afydhya
diwessa to go drinking - Verbal noun only. Use with auxiliary verbs.
diwiska to undress, -sk-, See: gwiska
diwranna to double for (theatre), -nn-, See: ranna
diwreydhya to eradicate, -tth-, See: afydhya
diwrosa to bicycle - Verbal noun only. Use with auxiliary verbs.
diwrosya to go on a bike tour, -ss-, See: rosya
diyskynna to descend, -n-, See: yskynna
dofhe to tame, -hah-, See: berrhe
(KK spelling: dovhe)
dognya to dose, -kkn-, See: afydhya
dolos to pretend, -ss-, See: dolos
domhwel to overthrow, -ll-, Go to verb
don or degi to carry, -kk-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: doen or degi)
donsya to dance, -ns-, See: afydhya
dorna to thrash, -rn-, See: afina
dornella to whip (cream), -ll-, See: afina
dornskrifa to write by hand, -ff-, See: skrifa
dos or dones to come, -ff-, Go to verb
dosya to dose, -ss-, See: afydhya
dotya to dote, -tt-, See: afydhya
doutya to doubt, -tt-, See: afydhya
dova to tame, -ff-, See: afina
downfria to deep-fry, -ri-, See: fria
downhe to deepen, -hah-, See: berrhe
downrewi to deep-freeze, -w-, See: rewi
dowra to water, -rr-, Go to verb
dowrhe to irrigate, -hah-, Go to verb
dowrya to moisten, -rr-, See: afydhya
dralya to break into bits, -ll-, See: argya
dramasekhe to dramatize, -hah-, See: berrhe
draylya to drag, -ll-, Go to verb
dregynna to wrong, -nn-, See: afina
drehedhes to reach, -tth-, Go to verb
drehevel to build, -ff-, Go to verb
dreslemmel to jump over, -mm-, See: lemmel
dreweskel to buffet, -sk-, See: gweskel
dri to bring, -ll-, Go to verb
drivya to drive (out), -ff-, See: afydhya
droga to wrong, -kk-, See: afina
drogdybi to suspect, -pp-, See: tybi
drogewna to maladjust, -nn-, See: afina
drogfara to behave badly, -rr-, See: fara
droghandla to mishandle, -ntl-, See: handla
drogura to smear (slander), -rr-, See: afina
droppya to drop, -pp-, See: afydhya
drushya to thresh, -ssh-, See: afydhya
duhe to blacken, -hah-, See: berrhe
durya to last, -rr-, See: afydhya
dustunia to testify, -ni-, See: afia
duwena to sadden, -nn-, See: afina
duwenhe to grieve, -hah-, See: berrhe
dybri to eat, -ppr-, Go to verb
dedhya to date (a document), -tth-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: dydhya)
dydhvetya to date (a person), -tt-, See: afydhya
dyffra to differ, -ffr-, See: restra
dyffransegi to differentiate, -kk-, See: erghi
dyffreythya to defract, -tth-, See: afydhya
dyghtya to manage, -ght-, Go to verb
dyllo to issue, -ll-, Go to verb
dynamitya to dynamite, -tt-, See: afydhya
dynerghi to welcome, -rgh-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: dynnerghi)
dynya to fascinate, -nn-, Go to verb
dyski to learn, -sk-, Go to verb
dythya to recite, -tth-, See: afydhya

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ebilya to plug, -ll-, See: afydhya
ebostya to e-mail, -st-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: e-bostya)
edifia to edify, -fi-, See: afia
edrega to regret, -kk-, See: edrega
efani to expand, -nn-, See: adhvesi
effeythi to effect, -tth-, See: adhvesi
egina to sprout, -nn-, See: afina
ehwias to ride out on horseback, -wi-, See: afia
ekceptya to except, -pt-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: ekseptya)
eksaltya to exalt, -lt-, See: afydhya
eksamnya to examine, -mn-, See: afydhya
eksekutya to execute, -tt-, See: afydhya
eksersisa to exercise, -ss-, See: afina
eksilya to exile, -ll-, See: afydhya
eksistya to exist, -st-, See: afydhya
ekskludya to exclude, -tt-, See: afydhya
ekskusya to excuse, -ss-, See: afydhya
eksortya to exhort, -rt-, See: afydhya
ekspondya to expound, -nt-, See: afydhya
elia to anoint, -li-, See: afia
emaylhe to enamel, -hah-, See: berrhe
emskemuna to ban, -nn-, See: afina
enamelhe to enamel, -hah-, See: berrhe
endui to endow, -ntu-, See: distrui
endurya to endure, -rr-, See: afydhya
enebi to oppose, -pp-, Go to verb
enesega to insulate, -kk-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: ynysega)
enjoya to enjoy, -y-, See: Go to verb
enora to honour, -rr-, See: afina
enowi to light, -w-, Go to verb
entra to enter, -ntr-, Go to verb
enyshe to isolate, -hah-, See: berrhe
erbysi to save (money), -ss-, Go to verb
erghi to order, -rgh-, Go to verb
ergila to recoil, -ll-, See: afina
erita to inherit, -tt-, See: afina
errya to err, -rr-, See: afydhya
erthylya to abort, -ll-, See: afydhya
ervira to decide, -rr-, Go to verb
erya to defy, -rr-, See: afydhya
esanella to exhale, -ll-, See: anella
esedha to sit, -tth-, Go to verb
esfolenna to exfoliate, -nn-, See: lenna
eshe to ease, -hah-, See: berrhe
esherdhya to extrude, -rth-, See: afydhya
eskasa to forsake, -ss-, See: gasa
eskeas to exclude, -e-, See: keas
eskelmi to indemnify, -lm-, See: kelmi
eskeulya to escalate, -ll-, See: afydhya
esknias to erode, -ni-, Go to verb
eskorra to output, -rr-, See: gorra
eskravas to abrade, -ff-, See: tava
esowi to deprive, -w-, See: adhvesi
esperthi to export, -rth-, See: perthi
esplegya to evolve, -kk-, See: plegya
estenna to extract, -nn-, See: tenna
estewlel to eject, -ll-, See: tewlel
estreghi to cut out, -ggh-, See: treghi
estrenya to alienate, -nn-, See: afydhya
estriga to be absent, -kk-, See: triga
esya to ease, -ss-, Go to verb
ethenna to evaporate, -nn-, See: afina
etholi to elect, -ll-, See: adhvesi
euthega to terrify, -kk-, Go to verb
eva to drink, -ff-, Go to verb
ewna to correct, -nn-, See: afina
ewnhe to repair, -hah-, See: berrhe
ewnranna to ration, -nn-, See: ranna
ewoni to froth, -nn-, See: adhvesi
(KK spelling: ewyni)
eylgelghya to recycle, -lgh-, See: afydhya
eylskrifa to copy, -ff-, See: skrifa
eylya to second, -ll-, See: afydhya

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fagla to inflame, -kkl-, Go to verb
faglenni to torch, -nn-, See: adhvesi
falsa to scythe, -ls-, See: tava
falsgobra to bribe, -ppr-, See: hwithra
falshe to falsify, -hah-, See: berrhe
famya to starve, -mm-, See: argya
fangla to contrive, -nkl-, See: restra
fanja to earn, -nch-, See: tava
fanya to fan, -nn-, See: argya
(KK spelling: fannya)
fara to behave, -rr-, Go to verb
fardella to package, -ll-, See: afina
farya to fare, -rr-, See: afydhya
fasya to pretend, -ss-, See: argya
fasthe to ratify, -hah-, See: berrhe
fastya to fasten, -st-, Go to verb
favera to favour, -rr-, See: afina
fekla to flatter, -kkl-, Go to verb
felghya to mow, -lgh-, See: argya
fencya to fence (stolen goods), -ss-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: fensya)
fenna to overflow, -nn-, See: afina
fernewi to become angry, -w-, See: adhvesi
fesya to drive off, -ss-, See: afydhya
fetha to defeat, -tth-, Go to verb
fia to despise, -i-, Go to verb
fia to flee, -i-, Go to verb
figura to figure, -rr-, See: afina
finsya to finish, -ns-, See: afydhya
finwetha to limit, -tth-, See: afina
fistena to hurry, -nn-, Go to verb
flammya to flame, -mm-, See: argya
flappya to flap, -pp-, See: afydhya
flattra to delude, -ttr-, Go to verb
flerya to stink, -rr-, See: afydhya
floghgovia to babysit, -vi-, See: afia
floryshya to flourish, -ssh-, See: afydhya
floshya to flush, -ssh-, Go to verb
flowsa to waffle, -ss-, See: afina
flyckra to flicker, -kk-, See: hwithra
(KK spelling: flykkra)
flyckya to flick, -kk-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: flykkya)
flyrtya to flirt, -rt-, See: afydhya
fogella to focus, -ll-, See: afina
fogya to stoke, -kk-, See: afydhya
folhwerthin to giggle, -rth-, See: hwerthin
folenna to paginate, -nn-, See: lenna
folsa to split, -ls-, Go to verb
folya to follow, -ll-, See: afydhya
fondya to establish, -nt-, See: afydhya
fonya to phone, -nn-, See: afydhya
forlya to whisk, -rl-, See: afydhya
formya to form, -rm-, See: afydhya
fornya to bake, -rn-, See: afydhya
forsakya to forsake, -kk-, See: afydhya
fortunya to chance, -nn-, See: afydhya
framya to frame, -mm-, See: afydhya
franklondya to smuggle, -nt-, See: afydhya
frappya to knock, -pp-, See: afydhya
frega to tear up, -kk-, See: edrega
freudha to fray out, -tth-, See: afina
freudhi to brawl, -tth-, See: adhvesi
fria to fry, -ri-, Go to verb
fria to liberate, -ri-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: fryya)
frikhwytha to sniff, -tth-, See: afina
fronna to brake, -nn-, Go to verb
frosa to flow, -ss-, See: afina
frosa to stream (computer), -ss-, See: afina
froslamma to cascade, -mm-, See: lamma
frowsya to defraud, -ss-, See: afydhya
fugya to fake, -kk-, See: afydhya
fugya to play unfairly, -kk-, See: afydhya
furhe to make wise, -hah-, See: berrhe
furvasa to format, -ss-, See: tava
fusta to beat (with a club), -st-, Go to verb
fydhya to trust, -tth-, Go to verb
fyllel to fail, -ll-, Go to verb
fyllya to fiddle, -ll-, See: skollya
fylmya to film, -lm-, See: afydhya
fyngla to use a crook (eels), -nkl-, See: restra
(KK spelling: fynngla)
fyski to rush, -sk-, Go to verb
fysla to fidget, -sl-, See: hwithra
fyttya to prepare, -tt-, See: afydhya

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gajya to mortgage, -cch-, See: argya
galari to grieve, -rr-, See: adhvesi
gallòs to know, -ll-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: galloes)
gallòsegi to enable, -kk-, See: mosegi
(KK spelling: galloesegi)
garma to shout, -rm-, Go to verb
garrgamma to straddle, -mm-, See: amma
gasa to leave, -ss-, Go to verb
gava to forgive, -ff-, Go to verb
gelwel to call, -lw-, Go to verb
genna to wedge, -nn-, See: afina
gerya to babble, -rr-, See: afydhya
gesya to joke, -ss-, See: afydhya
gesya to mock, -ss-, See: afydhya
gevella to twin, -ll-, See: afina
gevelya to forge, -ll-, See: afydhya
gidya to guide, -tt-, See: afydhya
glanhe to clean, -hah-, See: berrhe
glasa to become green, -ss-, See: tava
glaveri to slobber, -rr-, See: ygeri
glena to stick, -nn-, See: afina
glorifia to glorify, -fi-, See: afia
glosa to hurt, -ss-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: gloesa)
glusa to glue, -ss-, See: afina
gluwhe to intensify, -hah-, See: berrhe
glybya to wet, -pp-, See: afydhya
glyttra to glitter, -ttr-, See: hwithra
gobalas to skim (in mining), -ll-, See: palas
gobra to reward, -ppr-, See: hwithra
gobrena to rent, -nn-, See: prena
gockia to behave foolishly, -cki-, See: afia
(KK spelling: gokkia)
gockihe to make silly, -hah-, See: berrhe
(KK spelling: gokkihe)
goderri to interrupt, -rr-, See: terri
godewlhe to dim, -hah-, See: berrhe
godhalla to dazzle, -ll-, See: dalla
godhav or godhevel to suffer, -ff-, See: Go to verb
godhensel to nibble, -ns-, See: densel
(KK spelling: godhynsel)
godhesa to deposit (geographical), -ss-, See: afina
godhessa to catch moles - Verbal noun only. Use with auxiliary verbs.
godhvos to know, -dhv-, Go to verb
godhynya to tempt, -nn-, See: dynya
godra to milk, -ttr-, See: hwithra
godriga to visit, -kk-, See: triga
godroghya to rinse, -ggh-, See: afydhya
godros to threaten, -ss-, See: godros
godrotha to curdle with rennet, -tth-, See: afina
(KK spelling: godroetha)
godybi to hypothesise, -pp-, See: tybi
gogerdhes to toddle, -rth-, See: kerdhes
gogodha to lapse, -tth-, See: kodha
gogoska to nap, -sk-, See: koska
gogrygha to crimp, -ggh-, See: afina
gogrysi to suspect, -ss-, See: krysi
gohasa to dislike, -ss-, See: kasa
goheles to avoid, -ll-, Go to verb
goi to digest, -o-, Go to verb
goledra to incline, -ttr-, Go to verb
golegi to edit, -kk-, See: adhvesi
goleski to singe, -sk-, See: leski
golghi to wash, -lgh-, Go to verb
golia to wound, -li-, Go to verb
golowboyntya to highlight, -nt-, See: afydhya
golowhe to illuminate, -hah-, See: berrhe
golowi to illuminate, -w-, See: adhvesi
golusegi to enrich, -kk-, See: mosegi
golya to feast, -ll-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: goelya)
golya to keep watch, -ll-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: goelyas)
golya to sail, -ll-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: goelya)
gòmonna to gather seaweed - Verbal noun only. Use with auxiliary verbs.
(KK spelling: goemmonna)
gonis to cultivate, -tth-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: gonis or gonedha)
goradhvesi to overripen, -ss-, See: adhvesi
gorawena to gloat, -nn-, See: afina
gorbassya to surpass, -ss-, See: passya
gorbeski to overgraze, -sk-, See: peski
gorbobla to overpopulate, -ppl-, See: pobla
gordenna to overstretch, -nn-, See: tenna
gordevi to overgrow, -ff-, See: tevi
gordhiwessa to binge drink - Verbal noun only. Use with auxiliary verbs.
gordhya to worship, -rth-, See: afydhya
gordhyllo to dismiss, -ll-, See: dyllo
gordremena to exceed, -nn-, See: tremena
goresek to jog, -ss-, See: resek
gorfenna to finish, -nn-, Go to verb
gorgelmi to hyperlink, -lm-, See: kelmi
gorgemeres to obsess, -rr-, See: kemeres
(KK spelling: gorgemmeres)
gorgeredhi to crackdown, -tth-, See: adhvesi
gorgudha to overlap, -tth-, See: kudha
gorhana to enchant, -nn-, See: kana
gorharga to overload, -rk-, See: karga
gorhegina to overcook, -nn-, See: afina
gorhemmyn to command, -nn-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: gorhemmynna)
gorheri to cover, -rr-, See: adhvesi
gori to fester, -rr-, See: adhvesi
gorladha to massacre, -tth-, See: ladha
gorlavurya to overwork, -rr-, See: afydhya
gorlesa to sprawl, -ss-, See: afina
gorleski to incinerate, -sk-, See: leski
gorleski to scorch, -sk-, See: leski
gorlinya to liquidate, -nn-, See: delinya
gorliwa to exaggerate, -w-, See: liwa
gorlybya to drench, -pp-, See: afydhya
gormel to applaud, -ll-, Go to verb
gormoledha to triumph, -tth-, Go to verb
gorowra to cover with gold leaf, -rr-, See: afina
gorra to put, -rr-, Go to verb
gorskeusi to overshadow, -ss-, See: skeusi
gorspena to overspend, -nn-, See: afina
gorthapposya to cross-examine, -ss-, See: apposya
gorthebi to answer, -pp-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: gorthybi)
gortheneba to oppose, -pp-, See: afina
gorthkentrewi to rivet, -w-, See: erghi
gorthposa to counterbalance, -ss-, See: afina
(KK spelling: gorthpoesa)
gorthroghya to plunge (into water), -ggh-, See: afydhya
gorthsedhi to countersink, -tth-, See: sedhi
gorthtreylya to invert, -ll-, See: treylya
gorthtreylya to reverse, -ll-, See: treylya
gortos to wait, -rt-, Go to verb
gorveghya to overload, -ggh-, See: beghya
gorvires to supervise, -rr-, See: mires
gorwedha to lie down, -tth-, See: afina
gorweles to oversee, -ll-, See: gweles
gorwitha to mind, -tth-, See: gwitha
gorwolya to monitor, -ll-, See: golya
(KK spelling: gorwoelyas)
gorwul to do strictly, -ll-, See: gul
gorwul to overdo, -ll-, See: gul
gosa to bleed, -ss-, See: afina
(KK spelling: goesa)
goskeusi to shadow, -ss-, See: skeusi
goslowes to listen, -w-, Go to verb
gosseni to rust, -nn-, See: adhvesi
gòstla to pawn, -stl-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: goestla)
govelya to forge, -ll-, See: afydhya
governa to govern, -rn-, See: afina
govires to glance, -rr-, See: mires
govryjyon to simmer, -cch-, See: bryjyon
govyn to ask, -nn-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: govynn)
gowleverel to lie, -rr-, See: leverel
gowlia to commit perjury, -li-, See: lia
goyeynhe to cool, -hah-, See: berrhe
grabalyas to cling, -ll-, See: afydhya
gradhya to graduate, -tth-, See: afydhya
graffya to graft, -ff-, See: afydhya
graghella to heap, -ll-, See: afina
grassa to thank, -ss-, Go to verb
grastyli to tip, -ll-, See: tyli
gravya to engrave, -ff-, See: argya
gravya to sculpt, -ff-, See: argya
grega to cackle, -kk-, See: edrega
grevya to bother, -ff-, See: afydhya
grogysa to gird, -ss-, See: afina
grommya to growl, -mm-, See: afydhya
grondya to ground, -nt-, See: afydhya
gronna to amass, -nn-, See: afina
grontya to grant, -nt-, See: afydhya
growedha to lie down, -tth-, See: afina
gryllya to chirp, -ll-, Go to verb
grysla to snarl, -sl-, See: afina
gul or gwruthyl to go, -ll-, See: Go to verb
guwa to spear, -w-, See: afina
gwakhe to empty, -hah-, See: berrhe
gwalgha to satiate, -lgh-, See: afina
gwana to stab, -nn-, Go to verb
gwandra to wander, -ntr-, Go to verb
gwanna to weaken, -nn-, See: afina
gwannhe to weaken, -hah-, See: berrhe
gwardya to guard, -rt-, See: afydhya
gwari to play, -ri-, Go to verb
gwarnya to warn, -rn-, See: afydhya
gwarthevya to dominate, -ff-, See: afydhya
gwaska to press, -sk-, Go to verb
gwastya to waste, -st-, Go to verb
gwavgoska to hibernate, -sk-, See: koska
gwavi to summer, -ff-, See: kowesi
gwaya to move, -y-, Go to verb
gwaynya to gain, -nn-, See: afydhya
gwaytyas to hope (for), -tt-, See: afydhya
gwaytyas to take care, -tt-, See: afydhya
gwayvya to go away quickly, -ff-, See: afydhya
gwayvya to waive, -ff-, See: afydhya
gwedhra to wither, -tthr-, See: hwithra
gwedra to glaze, -ttr-, See: hwithra
gweles to see, -ll-, Go to verb
gwelesekhe to visualise, -hah-, See: berrhe
gwelivesi to go into labour, -ss-, See: adhvesi
gwellhe to improve, -hah-, See: berrhe
gweres to help, -ss-, Go to verb
gwernisya to varnish, -ss-, See: afydhya
gwerrya to wage war, -rr-, See: afydhya
gwersya to versify, -rs-, See: afydhya
gwertha to sell, -rth-, Go to verb
gwerthveurhe to appreciate, -hah-, See: berrhe
gweskel to beat, -sk-, Go to verb
gwethhe to worsen, -hah-, See: berrhe
gwevya to wave, -ff-, See: afydhya
gweytha to apply, -tth-, See: afina
gweythresa to activate, -ss-, See: afina
gwia to weave, -wi-, Go to verb
gwibessa to waste time, catch gnats - Verbal noun only. Use with auxiliary verbs.
gwighal to squeak, -ll-, See: afina
gwirbryntya to copyright, -nt-, See: pryntya
gwirhe to verify, -hah-, See: berrhe
gwirleverel to tell the truth, -rr-, See: leverel
gwirya to verify, -rr-, See: afydhya
gwiska to dress, -sk-, Go to verb
gwitha to keep, -tth-, Go to verb
gwlyghi to soak, -ggh-, See: adhvesi
gwreydhya to take root, -tth-, See: afydhya
gwrias to sew, -ri-, Go to verb
gwrynnya to squeeze, -nn-, See: gwrynnya
(KK spelling: gwrynya)
gwrynnya to wrestle, -nn-, See: gwrynnya
(KK spelling: gwrynya)
gwynkya to wink, -nk-, See: afydhya
gwynnel to struggle, -nn-, Go to verb
gwynngalghya to whitewash, -lgh-, See: afydhya
gwynnhe to whiten, -hah-, See: berrhe
gwynsa to winnow, -ns-, See: afina
gwynsella to fan, -ll-, See: afina
gyki to peep, -kk-, See: adhvesi

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habadòllya to make a racket, -ll-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: habadoellya)
hackya to hack, -kk-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: hakkya)
hagra to disfigure, -kkr-, See: hwithra
halya to haul, -ll-, See: argya
hanasa to murmur, -ss-, See: tava
handla to handle, -ntl-, Go to verb
hangya to hang, -nk-, See: afydhya
hantera to halve, -rr-, See: afina
happya to happen, -pp-, See: afydhya
hapwari to gamble, -ri-, See: gwari
(KK spelling: happwari)
hartha to bark, -rth-, Go to verb
hasa to run to seed, -ss-, See: tava
hasa to sow (seed), -ss-, See: tava
hastya to hasten, -st-, See: afydhya
hatya to hate, -tt-, See: argya
havi to winter, -ff-, See: kowesi
haylya to greet, -ll-, See: afydhya
hebaska to calm, -sk-, See: afina
hebaskhe to calm, -hah-, See: berrhe
hedhes to reach, -tth-, Go to verb
hedhi to stop, -tth-, Go to verb
helerghi to detect, -rgh-, See: adhvesi
helghi to go hunting, -lgh-, See: adhvesi
helghya to hunt, -lgh-, Go to verb
hembronk to lead, -nk-, Go to verb
henwel to name, -nw-, Go to verb
hepkor to renounce, -rr-, See: gorra
(KK spelling: hepkorr)
herdhya to push, -rth-, See: afydhya
hernessya to put on equipment, -ss-, See: afydhya
hernya to shoe (a horse), -rn-, See: afydhya
herya to inherit, -rr-, See: afydhya
heskenna to saw, -nn-, See: afina
heski to lose milk, -sk-, Go to verb
hesya to flock, -ss-, See: afydhya
heudhi to be glad, -tth-, See: adhvesi
heuthhe to make happy, -hah-, See: berrhe
(KK spelling: heudhhe)
heveli to liken, -ll-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: hevelebi)
heveli to seem, -ll-, Go to verb
hickas to hiccup, -kk-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: hikas)
higenna to hook, -nn-, See: afina
hirbenys to carry out a long penance, -ss-, See: penys
hirbrederi to contemplate, -rr-, See: prederi
hirbrena to buy on hire purchase, -nn-, See: prena
hirgamma to stride, -mm-, See: amma
hirgernya to trumpet, -rn-, See: afydhya
hirhe to lengthen, -hah-, See: berrhe
hirleverel to speak at length, -rr-, See: leverel
hirviga to procrastinate, -kk-, See: afina
hirvryjyon to stew, -cch-, See: bryjyon
hockya to hesitate, -kk-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: hokya)
hodya to injure, -tt-, See: afydhya
holya to follow, -ll-, See: afydhya
hornella to iron, -ll-, See: afina
hosi to speak hoarsely, -ss-, See: adhvesi
howlleski to tan, -sk-, See: leski
humblya to humble, -mpl-, See: joglya
hunleva to have nightmares, -ff-, See: afina
hunrosa to dream, -ss-, See: afina
hunya to sleep, -nn-, See: afydhya
hurlya to hurl, -rl-, See: afydhya
hurtya to hurt, -rt-, See: afydhya
husa to charm, -ss-, See: afina
hwaffa to punch, -ff-, Go to verb
hwanna to catch fleas - Verbal noun only. Use with auxiliary verbs.
(KK spelling: hwynna)
hwansa to desire, -ns-, See: tava
hwarhe to civilise, -hah-, See: berrhe
hwarvos to happen, Defective verb, Go to verb
hwattya to slap, -tt-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: hwettya)
hwedhi to swell, -tth-, Go to verb
hwedhla to narrate, -tth-, Go to verb
hwegrewi to ice (a cake), -w-, See: rewi
hwekhe to sweeten, -hah-, See: berrhe
hwerthin to laugh, -rth-, Go to verb
hwesa to sweat, -ss-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: hwysa)
hwias to use hwi to someone, -ss-, Go to verb
hwibana to whistle, -nn-, Go to verb
hwilas to look for, -ll-, Go to verb
hwilessa to catch beetles - Verbal noun only. Use with auxiliary verbs.
hwithra to examine, -tthr-, Go to verb
hwyja to vomit, -cch-, Go to verb
hwyppya to whip, -pp-, See: afydhya
hwyrni to hum, -rn-, See: adhvesi
hwystra to whisper, -str-, Go to verb
hwytha to blow, -tth-, See: afina
hwythfi to bubble, -thf-, See: hwythfi
hyga to cheat, -kk-, See: afina
hyntya to hint, -nt-, See: afydhya

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iselhe to lower, -hah-, See: berrhe
iskarga to download, -rk-, See: iskarga
isledya to subduct, -tt-, See: afydhya
islinya to underline, -nn-, See: delinya
ispobla to underpopulate, -ppl-, See: pobla
issedhi to subside, -tth-, See: issedhi
isstanchya to underseal, -nch-, See: afydhya
istenna to subtract, -nn-, See: tenna
istitla to subtitle, -ttl-, See: hwithra
istreghi to undercut, -ggh-, See: treghi

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jella to gel, -ll-, See: anella
jestya to jest, -st-, See: postya
joglya to juggle, -kkl-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: jogla)
junya to join, -nn-, Go to verb
joustya to joust, -st-, See: postya
justifia to justify, -fi-, See: afia
jynnskrifa to type, -ff-, See: skrifa

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kabla to blame, -ppl-, Go to verb
kabli to criticise, -ppl-, Go to verb
kaboli to mix up, -ll-, See: adhvesi
kachya to catch, -cch-, Go to verb
kaderya to chair, -rr-, See: afydhya
kadona to chain, -nn-, See: afina
kagla to spatter with filth, -kkl-, Go to verb
kaleshe to harden, -hah-, See: berrhe
kalghhe to calcify, -hah-, See: berrhe
kalkya to calculate, -lk-, See: argya
kalkya to caulk, -lk-, See: argya
kamma to curve, -mm-, See: amma
kammberghenegi to usurp, -kk-, See: perghenegi
(KK spelling: kammberghennegi)
kammdhegi to miscarry, -kk-, See: don
kammdremena to trespass, -nn-, See: tremena
kammdreylya to zigzag, -ll-, See: treylya
kammdybi to err (in thought), -pp-, See: tybi
kammfydhya to mistrust, -tth-, Go to verb
kammgedhla to misinform, -tthl-, See: afina
kammgemeres to mistake (something), -rr-, See: kemeres
(KK spelling: kammgemmeres)
kammgonvedhes to misunderstand, -tth-, See: konvedhes
kammlagatta to squint, -tt-, See: tava
kammledya to mislead, -tt-, See: afydhya
kammleverel to mispronounce, -rr-, See: leverel
kammskrifa to make a mistake in writing, -ff-, See: skrifa
kammusya to misuse, -ss-, See: usya
kammvethya to malnourish, -tth-, See: afydhya
kammvreusi to misjudge, -ss-, See: breusi
kammwonis to blunder, -tth-, See: gonis
kammworthebi to answer back, -pp-, See: gorthebi
(KK spelling: kammworthybi)
kammwul to err, -ll-, See: gul
kampòlla to comment, -ll-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: kampoella)
kampya to camp, -mp-, See: argya
kana to sing, -nn-, Go to verb
kanasa to delegate, -ss-, See: tava
(KK spelling: kannasa)
kanasedhi to represent (electorate), -tth-, Like: sedhi
kanmel to laud, -ll-, See: afina
kanna to bleach, -nn-, See: tava
kanna to can, -nn-, See: tava
kara to love, -rr-, Go to verb
karga to load, -rk-, Go to verb
karghara to shackle, -rr-, See: tava
karolli to dance to singing, -ll-, See: adhvesi
(KK spelling: karoli)
kartha to cleanse, -rth-, See: afina
karya to transport, -rr-, See: argya
kasa to hate, -ss-, Go to verb
kashya to cash, -ssh-, See: afydhya
kaskyrghes to campaign, -rgh-, See: kerghes
kastiga to flog, -kk-, See: afina
kastya to trick, -st-, See: afydhya
kavanedhi to occupy, -tth-, See: anedhi
kavanskeusa to evade, -ss-, Go to verb
kavasa to can, -ss-, See: tava
kavòs to find, -ff-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: kavoes)
kagha to defecate, -ggh-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: kawgha)
kawsya to cause, -ss-, See: afydhya
keas to hedge, -e-, Go to verb
kedhla to inform, -tthl-, See: afina
kedreylya to convert, -ll-, See: treylya
kedrynna to quarrel, -nn-, See: afina
kegina to cook, -nn-, See: afina
keheveli to compare, -ll-, See: heveli
keles to conceal, -ll-, Go to verb
kelli to lose, -ll-, Go to verb
kelmi to tie, -lm-, Go to verb
kemeres to take, -rr-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: kemmeres)
kempenna to tidy, -nn-, See: afina
kemynna to bequeath, -nn-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: kemmynna)
kemyska to mix, -sk-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: kemmyska)
kena to light, -nn-, See: afina
kendegi to conduct (electricity), -kk-, See: don
kenedhlegi to nationalise, -kk-, See: mosegi
kenertha to encourage, -rth-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: kennertha)
kenkia to contend, -ki-, See: afia
kenna to coat with film, -nn-, See: afina
kensynsi to keep hold of, -ns-, See: synsi
kentra to nail, -ntr-, See: restra
kentreni to become maggoty, -nn-, See: ygeri
kentreva to stay, -ff-, See: afina
kentrewi to nail with many nails, -w-, See: erghi
kentriga to tack (nail), -kk-, See: afina
kentrynna to spur, -nn-, See: afina
kenwertha to trade, -rth-, See: gwertha
kenwòstla to bet, -stl-, See: gostla
(KK spelling: kenwoestla)
kera to fortify, -rr-, See: afina
kerdhes to walk, -rth-, Go to verb
keredhi to scold, -tth-, See: adhvesi
kerghes to fetch, -rgh-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: kyrghes)
kerghynna to surround, -nn-, See: afina
kernewekhe to Cornicise, -hah-, See: berrhe
kernya to hoot (a horn), -rn-, See: afydhya
kertya to cart -rt-, See: afydhya
kervya to carve, -rf-, See: afydhya
kerya to cobble, -rr-, See: afydhya
keschanjya to exchange, -nch-, See: chanjya
kesfurvya to conform, -rf-, See: afydhya
keskalari to commiserate, -rr-, See: adhvesi
keskar to disperse, -rr-, Go to verb
keskelmi to relate, -lm-, See: kelmi
keskerdhes to march, -rth-, See: kerdhes
keskeverya to converge, -rr-, See: afydhya
keskewsel to converse, -ss-, See: kewsel
keski to tell off, -sk-, Go to verb
kesklena to cling together, -nn-, See: afina
kesklusa to agglutinate, -nn-, See: afina
kesknias to corrode, -ni-, Go to verb
keskodhevel to sympathise, -ff-, See: godhav
keskomunya to communicate, -nn-, See: afydhya
keskonvedhes to understand one another, -tth-, See: konvedhes
keskorra to assemble, -rr-, See: gorra
keskreuni to concentrate, -nn-, See: kreuni
keskronna to conglomerate, -nn-, See: afina
keskussulya to confer, -ll-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: keskusulya)
keskwia to intertwine, -wi-, See: gwia
keskwirhe to corroborate, -hah-, See: berrhe
keslamma to coincide, -mm-, See: lamma
keslowenhe to congratulate, -hah-, See: berrhe
kesoberi to cooperate, -rr-, See: oberi
kesordena to coordinate, -nn-, See: ordena
kesplethenna to intertwine, -nn-, See: afina
kesplethi to dovetail, -tth-, See: adhvesi
kesposa to equilibrate, -ss-, See: afina
(KK spelling: kespoesa)
kesreynya to reign together, -nn-, See: afydhya
kesseni to harmonise, -nn-, See: seni
kesskrifa to correspond (writing), -ff-, See: skrifa
kesskwattya to collide, -tt-, See: afydhya
kessoylya to compromise, -ll-, See: afydhya
kesstrivya to compete, -ff-, See: afydhya
kesstrivya to keep up, -ff-, See: afydhya
kesstrotha to compact, -tth-, See: strotha
(KK spelling: kesstroetha)
kessydhya to punish, -tth-, See: afydhya
kessynsi to wager, -ns-, See: synsi
kestalkya to converse, -lk-, See: argya
kestava to contact, -ff-, See: tava
kesteudhi to coalesce, -tth-, See: adhvesi
kesvargynnya to barter, -nn-, See: bargynnya
(KK spelling: kesvargenya)
kesvewa to live together, -w-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: kesvywa)
kesweles to interview, -ll-, See: gweles
kesya to unite, -ss-, See: afydhya
kesyewa to conjugate, -w-, See: afina
kesyewa to yoke together, -w-, See: afina
kettermynyegi to synchronise, -kk-, See: mosegi
keudhesikhe to cause to repent, -hah-, See: berrhe
keudhi to grieve, -tth-, See: adhvesi
keunyssa to collect firewood - Verbal noun only. Use with auxiliary verbs.
keurgana to chant, -nn-, See: kana
kevaras to plough together, -rr-, See: aras
kevarghewi to invest, -w-, See: dedhewi
kevarwodha to direct, -tth-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: kevarwoedha)
kevelekka to shoot woodcock - Verbal noun only. Use with auxiliary verbs.
kevelsi to articulate, -ls-, Go to verb
kevenna to memorise, -nn-, See: afina
kevernya to compile, -rn-, See: afydhya
kevewya to party, -w-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: kevywya)
keveylya to accompany, -ll-, See: afydhya
kevrenna to share, -nn-, See: ranna
kevri to contribute, -ll-, See: ri
kevriva to tally, -ff-, See: afina
kewara to correct, -rr-, See: afina
kewera to fulfil, -rr-, See: afina
kewnia to grow mossy, -ni-, See: afia
keworra to add, -rr-, See: gorra
kewsel to speak, -ss-, Go to verb
keynskrifa to endorse, -ff-, See: skrifa
kibya to snatch, -pp-, See: afydhya
kiga to grow flesh, -kk-, See: afina
kila to recede, -ll-, See: afina
kildhedhya to backdate, -tth-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: kildhydhya)
kildenna to back off, -nn-, See: tenna
kildreylya to revert, -ll-, See: treylya
kilfia to jump ship, -fi-, See: fia
kilfurvya to backform, -rf-, See: afydhya
kilslynkya to backpedal, -nk-, See: afydhya
kilweytha to work backwards in a mine, -tth-, See: afina
kinyewel to dine, -w-, Go to verb
kisya to damage, -ss-, Go to verb
klamdera to faint, -rr-, Go to verb
klappya to chatter, -pp-, See: afydhya
klassa to class, -ss-, See: afina
klassya to classify, -ss-, See: afydhya
klattra to chatter, -ttr-, Go to verb
kledhya to wield a sword, -tth-, See: afydhya
kleghi to ordain, -ggh-, See: adhvesi
klerya to brighten, -rr-, See: afydhya
klesa to shelter, -ss-, See: afina
(KK spelling: klysa)
kleudhya to excavate, -tth-, See: afydhya
klevesi to infect, -ss-, See: adhvesi
klewes to hear, -w-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: klywes)
klofi to go lame, -ff-, See: adhvesi
kloppya to limp, -pp-, See: afydhya
klosya to harrow, -ss-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: kloesya)
kloutya to patch, -tt-, See: afydhya
klubya to go clubbing, -pp-, See: afydhya
klusya to roost, -ss-, See: afydhya
klyjya to stick, -cch-, See: afydhya
klyckya to click, -kk-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: klykkya)
klysa to make snug, -ss-, See: afina
knias to chew, -ni-, Go to verb
knoukya to knock, -kk-, See: afydhya
knowa to gather nuts, -w-, Go to verb
knyvyas to shear, -ff-, See: afydhya
kochya to coach, -cch-, See: afydhya
kodenni to encode, -nn-, See: adhvesi
kodha to befit, Defective verb, Go to verb
(KK spelling: koedha)
kodha to fall, -tth-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: koedha)
kofhe to remind, -hah-, See: berrhe
(KK spelling: kovhe)
kola to heed, -ll-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: koela)
kolenki to swallow, -nk-, See: lenki
(KK spelling: kollenki)
kollenwel to fulfil, -nw-, See: lenwel
kolonna to hearten, -nn-, See: afina
kolorya to colour, -rr-, See: afydhya
komendya to approve, -nt-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: kommendya)
komendya to introduce, -nt-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: kommendya)
komondya to command, -nt-, Go to verb
komparya to compare, -rr-, See: afydhya
kompella to compel, -ll-, See: afina
kompilya to compile, -ll-, See: afydhya
komplekhe to complicate, -hah-, See: berrhe
komposa to fulfil, -ss-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: kompoesa)
komposya to compose, -ss-, Go to verb
komprehendya to include, -nt-, Go to verb
kompressa to oppress, -ss-, See: afina
komptya to count, -mpt-, See: afydhya
komunya to take Communion, -nn-, See: afydhya
komyttya to commit, -tt-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: kommyttya)
kona to have late dinner, -nn-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: koena)
koncernya to concern, -rn-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: konsernya)
koncevya to conceive, -ff-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: konsevya)
koneri to rage, -rr-, See: adhvesi
(KK spelling: konneri)
konfessya to confess, -ss-, See: afydhya
konfirmya to confirm, -rm-, See: afydhya
konkludya to conclude, -tt-, Go to verb
konfondya to confound, -nt-, See: afydhya
konfortya to comfort, -rt-, See: afydhya
konjorya to implore, -rr-, See: afydhya
konkludya to conclude, -tt-, See: afydhya
konkwerrya to conquer, -rr-, See: afydhya
koninessa to hunt rabbits - Verbal noun only. Use with auxiliary verbs.
konsekratya to consecrate, -tt-, See: argya
konstrina to constrain, -nn-, See: afina
(KK spelling: konstryna)
konsumya to consume, -mm-, See: afydhya
konsya to pave, -ns-, See: afydhya
konsydra to consider, -ttr-, See: hwithra
konsystya to consist, -st-, See: afydhya
kontaynya to contain, -nn-, See: afydhya
kontentya to satisfy, -nt-, See: afydhya
kontradia to contradict, -di-, See: afia
kontrewaytya to ambush, -tt-, See: afydhya
kontrolya to control, -ll-, Go to verb
kontynewa to continue, -w-, See: afina
konvaya to convey, -y-, See: amaya
konvedhes to undestand, -tth-, Go to verb
konviktya to confute, -kt-, See: afydhya
kopia to copy, -pi-, See: afia
kopla to couple, -ppl-, See: hwithra
kora to wax, -rr-, See: kola
(KK spelling: koera)
korfliwa to tattoo, -w-, See: liwa
korhwytha to spiral, -tth-, See: afina
korkynna to cork, -nn-, See: afina
kornella to corner, -ll-, See: afina
kornya to butt (ram), -rn-, See: afydhya
korrektya to correct, -kt-, See: afydhya
korruptya to corrupt, -pt-, See: afydhya
kosa to itch, -ss-, See: afina
koselhe to quieten, -hah-, See: berrhe
koska to go mouldy, -sk-, Go to verb
koska to sleep, -sk-, Go to verb
koskrosya to sleepwalk, -ss-, See: rosya
kossya to curse, -ss-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: kussya)
kostenna to target, -nn-, See: afina
kostya to cost, -st-, Go to verb
kothe to shorten, -hah-, See: berrhe
(KK spelling: kotthe)
kothhe to age, -hah-, See: berrhe
kovadha to record, -tth-, See: afina
kovaytya to covet, -tt-, See: afydhya
kovia to cherish, -vi-, See: afia
kovia to incubate, -vi-, See: afia
kovnotya to take minutes, -tt-, See: afydhya
kovskrifa to register, -ff-, See: skrifa
kowa to excavate, -w-, Go to verb
kowella to cage, -ll-, See: afina
kowesi to shower, -ss-, See: erghi
kowethya to keep company, -tth-, See: afydhya
kowla to clot, -ll-, Go to verb
kowlardaga to checkmate, -kk-, See: taga
kowlbrena to buy up, -nn-, See: prena
kowldevi to be fully grown, -ff-, See: tevi
kowldevi to grow fully, -ff-, See: tevi
kowldhiwedha to complete, -tth-, See: diwedha
kowldhrehevel to complete building, -ff-, See: drehevel
kowl'kontya to reckon fully, -nt-, See: afydhya
kowlleski to incinerate, -sk-, See: leski
kowllybya to saturate, -pp-, See: afydhya
kowlwertha to sell wholesale, -rth-, See: gwertha
kowlwul to accomplish, -ll-, See: gul
krackya to crack, -kk-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: krakkya)
krafa to grasp, -ff-, See: tava
krambla to climb, -mpl-, Go to verb
krampotha to beg for pancakes - Verbal noun only. Use with auxiliary verbs.
(KK spelling: krampoetha)
kramya to creep, -mm-, See: argya
krasa to toast, -ss-, See: tava
kravas to scratch, -ff-, See: tava
kravellas to hoe, -ll-, See: afina
krefhe to strengthen, -hah-, See: berrhe
(KK spelling: krevhe)
kregi to hang, -kk-, Go to verb
kregynna to look for shells - Verbal noun only. Use with auxiliary verbs.
krena to shake, -nn-, See: afina
kresenna to centralise, -nn-, See: afina
kressya to increase, -ss-, Go to verb
kreuni to accumulate, -nn-, Go to verb
kreupya to creep, -pp-, See: afydhya
krevya to strengthen, -ff-, See: afydhya
kreythya to scar, -tth-, See: afydhya
kria to call, -ri-, See: afia
kriba to notch, -pp-, See: afina
kribas to comb, -pp-, See: kribas
kribella to make a tassel, -ll-, See: afina
kribya to card wool, -pp-, See: afydhya
krina to become dry, -nn-, See: afina
kristonhe to christen, -hah-, See: berrhe
kristoni to christen, -nn-, See: adhvesi
krodhvolas to complain, -ll-, Go to verb
kròdra to sift, -ttr-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: kroedra)
kroghena to skin, -nn-, See: afina
kromma to bend, -mm-, See: afina
krommgentra to staple, -ntr-, See: restra
kronkya to beat, -nk-, See: afydhya
krònogas to hop like a toad, -kk-, See: afina
(KK spelling: kroenogas)
kropya to penetrate, -pp-, See: afydhya
krowdra to loiter, -ttr-, Go to verb
krowsya to crucify, -ss-, See: afydhya
krugya to put in a heap, -kk-, See: afydhya
krullya to curl, -ll-, See: afydhya
krygha to wrinkle, -ggh-, See: afina
kryghias to neigh, -ss-, Go to verb
kryghlamma to somersault, -mm-, See: lamma
kryghlemmel to somersault, -mm-, See: lemmel
kryghylli to jolt, -ll-, See: adhvesi
krykanas to cluck, -ss-, Go to verb
krysi to believe, -ss-, Go to verb
krysya to quiver, -ss-, See: afydhya
krytika to criticise, -kk-, See: afina
kudha to conceal, -tth-, Go to verb
kudhgisya to sabotage, -ss-, See: kisya
kudhliwa to camouflage, -w-, See: liwa
kuffya to cuff, -ff-, See: afydhya
kuhudha to accuse, -tth-, See: kudha
kui to foal, -u-, See: adhvesi
kuntel to collect, -ll-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: kuntell)
kuruna to crown, -nn-, See: afina
kurya to cure, -rr-, See: afydhya
kussulya to advise, -ll-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: kusulya)
kwackya to quack, -kk-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: kwakkya)
kwalifia to qualify, -fi-, See: afia
kwartrona to quarter, -nn-, See: afina
kwetha to clothe, -tth-, See: afina
kwetha to cover with a cloth, -tth-, See: afina
kwytya to quit, -tt-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: kwitya)
kyfeythya to preserve, -tth-, See: afydhya
kyfya to confide, -ff-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: kyfi)
kyhwedhla to gossip, -tthl-, See: hwedhla
kyjya to copulate, -cch-, Go to verb
kyjya to unite, -cch-, Go to verb
kyjyves to be on heat, -ss-, See: adhvesi
kylasenna to slate, -nn-, See: afina
(KK spelling: kyllasenna)
kylghya to surround, -lgh-, See: afydhya
kyni to lament, -nn-, See: adhvesi
kyni to whine, -nn-, See: adhvesi
kynnik to offer, -kk-, Go to verb
kynnyas to harvest, -ss-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: kynyas)
kynweles to preview, -ll-, See: gweles

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labedha to stone, -tth-, See: afina
(KK spelling: labydha)
lackya to lack, -kk-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: lakya)
ladha to kill, -tth-, Go to verb
ladra to steal, -ttr-, Go to verb
lagatta to stare, -tt-, See: tava
lagenna to splash, -nn-, See: afina
lagya to splash, -kk-, See: argya
lamentya to lament, -nt-, See: afydhya
lamma to jump, -mm-, Go to verb
lappya to leap, -pp-, See: argya
lappya to perform gymnastics, -pp-, See: argya
lapya to lick, -pp-, See: afydhya
lashya to lash, -ssh-, See: afydhya
lasya to lace, -ss-, See: afydhya
latthya to latch, -tth-, See: argya
lavasos to dare, -ss-, Go to verb
lavurya to labour, -rr-, See: afydhya
lawa to praise, -w-, See: tava
lawdya to laud, -tt-, See: afydhya
lea to site, -e-, See: afia
lecya to license, -ss-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: leshya)
ledra to slope, -ttr-, Go to verb
ledya to lead, -tt-, See: afydhya
legessa to catch mice - Verbal noun only. Use with auxiliary verbs.
legri to corrupt, -kkr-, Go to verb
lehe to lessen, -hah-, See: berrhe
lehe to zoom in, -hah-, See: berrhe
lemmel to jump, -mm-, Go to verb
lendya to lend, -nt-, See: afydhya
lengrysi to fully believe, -ss-, See: krysi
lenki to swallow, -nk-, Go to verb
lenna to read aloud, -nn-, Go to verb
lenni to cover, -nn-, Go to verb
lenthe to slow down, -hah-, See: berrhe
lentri to gleam, -ntr-, Go to verb
lenwel to fill, -nw-, Go to verb
lesa to spread, -ss-, See: afina
lesarveth to deploy, -tth-, See: arveth
lesbobas to parbake, -pp-, See: pobas
leshenwel to nickname, -nw-, See: henwel
(KK spelling: les-henwel)
leshya to put on a leash, -ssh-, See: afydhya
leska to rock, -sk-, Go to verb
leskella to fluctuate, -ll-, Go to verb
leski to burn, -sk-, Go to verb
lesranna to distribute, -nn-, See: ranna
lesta to prevent, -st-, Go to verb
lesvryjyon to parboil, -cch-, See: bryjyon
lestra to embark, -st-, Go to verb
lettya to prevent, -tt-, Go to verb
leunhe to fill, -hah-, See: berrhe
leuvtosa to massage, -ss-, See: afina
(KK spelling: leuvtoesa)
leva to cry out, -ff-, See: afina
levena to smooth, -nn-, See: afina
levenhe to level, -hah-, See: berrhe
leverel to say, -rr-, Go to verb
levna to press (clothes), -ffn-, Go to verb
lewsel to loosen, -ss-, Go to verb
lewya to drive, -w-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: lywya)
leytha to humidify, -tth-, See: afina
lia to swear, -li-, Go to verb
lienladra to plagiarise, -ttr-, See: ladra
lieshe to multiply, -hah-, See: berrhe
liesplekhe to duplicate (a document), -hah-, See: berrhe
liesranna to play many parts, -nn-, See: ranna
liesriva to multiply (mathematics), -ff-, See: afina
liesskrifa to photocopy, -ff-, See: skrifa
linenna to sketch, -nn-, See: afina
liva to flood, -ff-, See: afina
livra to liberate, -ffr-, Go to verb
livya to file (scrape), -ff-, See: afydhya
livya to lunch, -ff-, See: afydhya
liwa to colour, -w-, Go to verb
lolla to lull, -ll-, See: afina
lommhe to bare, -hah-, See: berrhe
lonchya to launch, -nch-, See: afydhya
loncya to lance, -ns-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: lonsya)
longya to belong, -nk-, See: afydhya
lonkwolghi to gargle, -lgh-, See: golghi
lordya to domineer, -rt-, Go to verb
losi to go mouldy, -ss-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: loesi)
losowa to gather plants, -w-, See: knowa
lostleverel to prompt, -rr-, See: leverel
lostya to queue, -st-, Go to verb
lowartha to garden, -rth-, See: afina
lowenhe to rejoice, -hah-, See: berrhe
lownya to slice, -nn-, See: afydhya
lowsya to untie, -ss-, See: afydhya
lughesi to flash, -ss-, Go to verb
lyfansas to hop like a toad, -ns-, See: tava
lyftya to lift, -ft-, See: afydhya
lymma to sharpen, -mm-, See: afina
lymna to paint, -mn-, See: hwithra
lystenna to bandage, -nn-, See: afina
lytherenna to spell, -nn-, See: afina

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maga to feed, -kk-, Go to verb.
maga to raise (children or animals), -kk-, Go to verb.
maglenna to trap, -nn-, Go to verb.
magli to tangle, -kkl-, Go to verb.
magnyfia to magnify, -fi-, See: afia
mala to grind, -ll-, Go to verb
manala to stack in sheaves, -ll-, See: tava
manylya to detail, -ll-, See: afydhya
mannhe to nullify, -hah-, See: berrhe
mannladra to pilfer, -ttr-, See: ladra
mannvrewi to pulverise, -w-, See: brewi
(KK spelling: mannvrywi)
marghasa to market, -ss-, See: tava
marghogeth to ride a horse, -kk-, Go to verb.
marwòstla to mortgage, -stl-, See: gostla
(KK spelling: marwoestla)
marya to marry, -ll-, See: afydhya
maylya to wrap, -ll-, See: afydhya
mebla to furnish, -ppl-, See: afina
medhelhe to lenite, -hah-, See: berrhe
medhelhe to soften, -hah-, See: berrhe
medhes to speak, Defective verb, Go to verb
medhwi to intoxicate, -tthw-, Go to verb
medra to aim, -ttr-, Go to verb
megi to smoke, -kk-, Go to verb
mekya to humble oneself, -kk-, See: afydhya
mela to gather honey - Verbal noun only. Use with auxiliary verbs.
melhwessa to catch snails - Verbal noun only. Use with auxiliary verbs.
mellya to interfere, -ll-, See: afydhya
melyas to grind, -ll-, Go to verb
melynhe to yellow, -hah-, See: berrhe
melyshe to sweeten, -hah-, See: berrhe
mendya to mend, -nt-, See: afydhya
meneges to mention, -kk-, Go to verb
mengleudhya to quarry, -tth-, See: afydhya
menhe to petrify, -hah-, See: berrhe
mentena to maintain, -nn-, See: afina
menya to mean, -nn-, See: afydhya
menystra to administer, -str-, Go to verb
mera to snivel, -rr-, See: afina
merkya to mark, -rk-, See: afydhya
mertherya to martyr, -rr-, See: afydhya
merwel to die, -rw-, Go to verb
mesa to gather acorns - Verbal noun only. Use with auxiliary verbs.
meschyvya to injure, -ff-, See: afydhya
meskla to gather mussels - Verbal noun only. Use with auxiliary verbs.
messajya to message, -cch-, See: afydhya
mesya to field, -ss-, See: afydhya
methya to feed, -tth-, See: afydhya
metregi to metricate, -kk-, Go to verb
metya to meet, -tt-, See: afydhya
meurhe to make great, -hah-, See: berrhe
meusya to hitchhike, -ss-, See: afydhya
mewghya to guarantee, -ggh-, See: afydhya
mewlhe to stigmatise, -hah-, See: berrhe
meylessa to catch mullet - Verbal noun only. Use with auxiliary verbs.
meythrin to foster, -tthr-, See: hwithra
miliga to curse, -kk-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: milliga)
mimya to mime, -mm-, See: afydhya
mingamma to grimace, -mm-, See: amma
minhwerthin to smile, -rth-, See: hwerthin
minya to muzzle, -nn-, See: afydhya
miowal to miaow, -ll-, Go to verb
mires to look, -rr-, Go to verb
miskemeres to mistake, -rr-, See: kemeres
(KK spelling: myskemmeres)
mistrestya to mistrust, -st-, See: trestya
(KK spelling: mystrestya)
mockya to mock, -kk-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: mokkya)
moga to choke, -kk-, See: tava
moghhe to amplify, -hah-, Go to verb
moghhe to zoom out, -hah-, Go to verb
mola to clot, -ll-, See: ola
mola to mould (for casting), -ll-, See: ola
moldra to murder, -ltr-, Go to verb
molethi to curse, -tth-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: mollethi)
mòlhe to go bald, -hah-, See: monhe
(KK spelling: moelhe)
mònhe to slim, -hah-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: moenhe)
mora to put to sea, -rr-, See: afina
mora to gather berries, -rr-, See: afina
mordardha to surf, -rth-, See: tardha
morlenwel to rise (of the tide), -nw-, See: lenwel
mornya to mourn, -rn-, See: afydhya
mortholya to hammer, -ll-, See: afydhya
morviajya to cruise, -cch-, See: viajya
(KK spelling: morvyajya)
mos or mones to go, -ll-, Go to verb
mosegi to stink, -kk-, Go to verb
mostya to make dirty, -st-, Go to verb
moutya to sulk, -tt-, See: afydhya
movya to move, -ff-, Go to verb
muskegi to madden, -kk-, Go to verb
musura to measure, -rr-, See: afina
musura to moderate, -rr-, See: afina
mygla to cool off, -kkl-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: mygli)
myji to reap, -cch-, See: adhvesi
(KK spelling: mysi)
mynchya to play truant, -nch-, See: afydhya
mynnes to want, -nn-, Go to verb
mynshe to quantify, -hah-, See: berrhe
myrghessa to chase girls - Verbal noun only. Use with auxiliary verbs.
myska to blend, -sk-, Go to verb
myskreydha to hybridise, -tth-, See: afina

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nadha to chop, -tth-, See: afina
nagha to deny, -ggh-, Go to verb
namma to stain, -mm-, See: afina
nappya to nap, -pp-, See: afydhya
naska to yoke, -sk-, See: ladra
nasya to affect, -ss-, See: afydhya
nedha to spin, -tth-, See: afina
negethi to negate, -tth-, See: adhvesi
negysyas to negotiate, -ss-, See: negysyas
nertha to strengthen, -rth-, See: afina
nesa to approach, -ss-, See: afina
neshe to approach, -hah-, See: berrhe
nesriva to approximate, -ff-, See: afina
neusa to fray, -ss-, See: afina
neusa to fringe, -ss-, See: afina
neusenna to thread, -nn-, See: afina
neuvella to float, -ll-, Go to verb
neuvya to swim, -ff-, Go to verb
neyja to fly, -cch-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: nija)
neythi to nest, -tth-, See: adhvesi
nivera to count, -rr-, See: afina
nombra to number, -mpr-, See: restra
normalhe to normalise, -hah-, See: berrhe
norysshya to nourish, -ssh-, See: afydhya
nosya to notate, -ss-, See: afydhya
notenna to annotate, -nn-, See: afina
notha to winnow, -tth-, See: afina
(KK spelling: noetha)
notya to note, -tt-, See: afydhya
nowedhi to update, -tth-, See: adhvesi
nowydhhe to renovate, -hah-, See: berrhe
nyckelgwetha to nickel-plate, -tth-, See: afina
(KK spelling: nykkelgwetha)

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obaya to obey, -y-, See: amaya
oberi to work, -rr-, Go to verb
observya to observe, -rf-, See: afydhya
obtaynya to obtain, -nn-, See: afydhya
oferenni to celebrate mass, -nn-, See: adhvesi
offendya to offend, -nt-, See: afydhya
offra to offer, -ffr-, Go to verb
ofrynna to sacrifice, -nn-, See: afina
(KK spelling: offrynna)
okupya to occupy, -pp-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: okkupya)
ola to cry, -ll-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: oela)
olewi to anoint, -w-, See: adhvesi
omaskusya to excuse oneself, -ss-, See: usya
omassaya to rehearse, -y-, See: assaya
ombareusi to get ready, -ss-, See: adhvesi
ombellhe to withdraw, -hah-, See: berrhe
omberthi to balance, -rth-, See: perthi
omblegya to bow, -kk-, See: plegya
omblegya to submit, -kk-, See: plegya
ombraysya to show off, -ss-, See: afydhya
ombrederi to meditate, -rr-, See: prederi
ombrederi to ponder, -rr-, See: prederi
ombrena to redeem oneself, -nn-, See: prena
ombrevi to prove oneself, -ff-, See: previ
ombrofya to apply (for a job), -ff-, See: afydhya
omdava to get in contact, -ff-, See: tava
omdenna to retire, -nn-, See: tenna
omdenna to shrink, -nn-, See: tenna
omdenna to withdraw, -nn-, See: tenna
omdewlel to wrestle, -ll-, See: tewlel
omdhal to quarrel, -ll-, See: tava
omdhaskor to surrender, -rr-, See: gorra
(KK spelling: omdhaskorr)
omdhegi to behave, -kk-, See: don
omdhesedha to correspond, -tth-, See: desedha
omdhiberth to secede, -rth-, See: diberth
omdhidhana to amuse oneself, -nn-, See: didhana
omdhifuna to wake, -nn-, See: difuna
omdhiserri to calm down, -rr-, See: serri
omdhisevel to trip, -ff-, See: sevel
omdhi'ski to undress, -sk-, See: omdhi'ski
omdhiskwedhes to appear, -tth-, See: diskwedhes
omdhisodha to resign, -tth-, See: sodha
omdhivarva to shave oneself, -rf-, See: afina
omdhivasa to orphan, -ss-, See: afina
omdhivlamya to apologise, -mm-, See: argya
omdhivroa to emigrate, -oy-, See: divroa
omdhiwiska to undress, -sk-, See: gwiska
omdhòn to bear children, -kk-, See: don
(KK spelling: omdhoen)
omdhoon to behave, -kk-, See: don
(KK spelling: omdhoen)
omdhrehevel to raise oneself up, -ff-, See: drehevel
omdreylya to turn around, -ll-, See: treylya
omdroghya to have a bath, -ggh-, See: afydhya
omdyghtya to look after oneself, -ght-, See: dyghtya
(KK spelling: omdhyghtya)
omgamma to distort, -mm-, See: amma
omgavòs to be situated, -ff-, See: kavos
(KK spelling: omgavoes)
omgeles to lurk, -ll-, See: keles
omgelli to lose oneself, -ll-, See: kelli
omgelmi to engage in, -lm-, See: kelmi
omgemeres to undertake, -rr-, See: kemeres
(KK spelling: omgemmeres)
omgemyska to mingle, -sk-, See: kemyska
(KK spelling: omgemmyska)
omgerdhes to evolve, -rth-, See: kerdhes
omglewes to feel, -w-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: omglywes)
omgnoukya to fight, -kk-, See: afydhya
omgnoukya to knock oneself, -kk-, See: afydhya
omgomendya to introduce oneself, -nt-, See: komendya
(KK spelling: omgommendya)
omgonfortya to comfort oneself, -rt-, See: afydhya
omgonvedhes to understand each other, -tth-, See: konvedhes
omgregi to hang oneself, -kk-, See: kregi
omgudha to hide oneself, -tth-, See: kudha
omguntel to assemble, -ll-, See: kuntel
(KK spelling: omguntell)
omgussulya to consult, -ll-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: omgusulya)
omgussulya to discuss, -ll-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: omgusulya)
omhedhi to abstain, -tth-, See: hedhi
omhenwel to identify as, -nw-, See: henwel
omherdhya to obtrude, -rth-, See: afydhya
omheveli to resemble, -ll-, See: heveli
omhowla to sunbathe, -ll-, See: afina
omhweles to fall down, -ll-, Go to verb
omjastya to criticise oneself, -st-, See: afydhya
omjersya to be at ease, -rs-, See: chersya
omjerya to cheer oneself up, -rr-, See: cherya
omjunya to join, -nn-, See: junya
omladh to fight, -tth-, Go to verb
omladha to kill oneself, -tth-, See: ladha
omlena to adhere, -nn-, See: afina
omlenni to cover oneself, -nn-, See: lenni
omlesa to expand, -ss-, See: afina
omlettya to stop oneself, -tt-, See: lettya
omlewsel to relax, -ss-, See: lewsel
omoberi to exercise (physically), -rr-, See: oberi
omrewlya to exercise self-control, -ll-, See: rewlya
omri to dedicate, -ll-, See: ri
omrolya to enrol, -ll-, See: rolya
omsakrifia to sacrifice oneself, -fi-, See: afia
omsedhi to subside, -tth-, See: sedhi
omsettya to attack, -tt-, See: settya
omsettya to undertake, -tt-, See: settya
omsevel to rebel, -ff-, See: sevel
omsewya to result, -w-, See: sewya
(KK spelling: omsywya)
omskoodhya to fall back (on), -tth-, See: skoodhya
(KK spelling: omskoedhya)
omsona to cross oneself, -nn-, See: afina
(KK spelling: omsoena)
omsynsi to to think oneself to be, -ns-, See: synsi
omvadhya to bathe oneself, -tth-, See: badhya
omvedhwi to get drunk, -tthw-, See: medhwi
omvodhya to indulge oneself, -tth-, See: afydhya
omvrewi to fragment, -w-, See: brewi
omvyska to involve, -sk-, See: myska
omwana to stab oneself, -nn-, See: gwana
omwaya to move oneself, -y-, See: gwaya
omwellhe to recover (from illness), -hah-, See: berrhe
omwetha to pine away, -tth-, See: afina
omweles to visit, -ll-, See: gweles
omwen to wince, -nn-, Go to verb
omweres to manage, -ss-, See: gweres
omweskel to strike oneself, -sk-, See: gweskel
omwiska to get dressed, -sk-, See: gwiska
omwitha to exercise, -tth-, See: gwitha
omwitha to keep oneself, -tth-, See: gwitha
omwitha to protect oneself, -tth-, See: gwitha
omwolghi to wash oneself, -lgh-, See: golghi
omworra to engage, -rr-, See: gorra
omwovyn to wonder, -nn-, See: govyn
(KK spelling: omwovynn)
omwul to pretend, -ll-, See: gul
omwul to turn into, -ll-, See: gul
omynvroa to immigrate, -oy-, See: divroa
omystynna to stretch oneself, -nn-, See: afina
omyttya to omit, -tt-, See: afydhya
onderstondya to understand, -nt-, See: afydhya
oppressya to oppress, -ss-, See: afydhya
ordena to organise, -nn-, Go to verb
ostya to lodge, -st-, Go to verb
ottya to utter, -tt-, See: afydhya
oulya to howl, -ll-, See: afydhya
outraya to outrage, -y-, See: amaya
outya to hoot, -tt-, See: afydhya
overdevi to overgrow, -ff-, See: tevi
overkommya to overcome, -mm-, See: afydhya
oversettya to overwhelm, -tt-, See: settya
ownekhe to intimidate, -hah-, See: berrhe
owra to gild, -rr-, See: afina
owrgwetha to gold-plate, -tth-, See: afina

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pacifia to pacify, -fi-, See: afia
(KK spelling: pasifia)
padelfria to pan-fry, -ri-, See: fria
(KK spelling: padellfria)
padera to repeat prayers, -rr-, See: afina
palas to dig, -ll-, Go to verb
palshe to abound, -hah-, See: berrhe
palsya to paralyse, -ls-, See: argya
palva to stroke, -lf-, Go to verb
palvala to grope, -ll-, Go to verb
panellya to panel, -ll-, See: afydhya
pardona to pardon, -nn-, See: afina
pareusi to prepare, -ss-, See: adhvesi
pargh or paragh to endure - Verbal noun only. Use with gallos and mynnes.
parkya to enclose, -rk-, See: argya
parkya to park, -rk-, See: argya
parodia to parody, -di-, See: afia
parsella to cast (a play), -ll-, See: neuvella
parya to pair, -rr-, See: argya
pasa to cough, -ss-, Go to verb
passya to pass, -ss-, Go to verb
pasteurya to pasteurise, -rr-, See: afydhya
patrolya to patrol, -ll-, See: afydhya
pawa to paw, -w-, Go to verb
payntya to paint, -nt-, See: afydhya
paynya to pain, -nn-, See: afydhya
payoni to show off, -nn-, See: adhvesi
pe to pay, -e-, Go to verb
pechya to pierce, -cch-, See: afydhya
pedrevanas to crawl, -nn-, Go to verb
pedrega to square, -kk-, See: edrega
pedri to rot, -ttr-, Go to verb
pega to tar, -kk-, See: edrega
(KK spelling: pyga)
pegha to sin, -ggh-, See: afina
pelenni to roll into a ball, -nn-, See: lenni
(KK spelling: pellenni)
pellhe to move away, -hah-, See: berrhe
pellskrifa to fax, -ff-, See: skrifa
penndaga to confuse, -kk-, See: taga
penndroppya to nod, -pp-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: penn-droppya)
pennfronna to muzzle, -nn-, See: fronna
penowi to glean, -w-, See: adhvesi
(KK spelling: pennowi)
pennskrifa to edit, -ff-, See: skrifa
penys to do penance, -ss-, Go to verb
percevya to perceive, -ff-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: persevya)
performya to perform, -rm-, See: afydhya
perghenegi to claim, -kk-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: perghennegi)
perghenna to own, -nn-, Go to verb
permya to perm, -rm-, See: afydhya
persekutya to persecute, -tt-, See: afydhya
personelhe to personalise, -hah-, See: berrhe
perswadya to persuade, -tt-, See: afydhya
pertaynya to pertain, -nn-, See: afydhya
perthi to bear, -rth-, Go to verb
peryllya to endanger, -ll-, See: afydhya
peski to graze, -sk-, Go to verb
peswarlemmel to gallop, -mm-, See: lemmel
pesya to continue, -ss-, Go to verb
peuri to browse (the internet), -rr-, See: adhvesi
peuri to graze, -rr-, See: adhvesi
piba to pipe, -pp-, See: afina
piga to sting, -kk-, See: afina
pigellas to use a pick, -ll-, See: afina
pilya to peel, -ll-, See: afydhya
pisa to urinate, -ss-, Go to verb
pistylla to spout, -ll-, See: afina
plagya to afflict, -kk-, See: afydhya
plansa to plant, -ns-, Go to verb
plansa to stick (in), -ns-, Go to verb
plastekhe to plasticize, -hah-, See: berrhe
plastra to plaster, -str-, See: restra
plattya to crouch, -tt-, Go to verb
plattya to flatten, -tt-, Go to verb
playnya to plane, -nn-, See: afydhya
pledya to plead, -tt-, Go to verb
plegenna to pleat, -nn-, See: afina
plegya to bend, -kk-, Go to verb
plegya to please, -kk-, Go to verb
plentya to complain, -nt-, See: afydhya
plentya to plead a case, -nt-, See: afydhya
plesya to please, -ss-, Go to verb
pletha to plait, -tth-, See: afina
pliskenna to shell, -nn-, Go to verb
plommgodha to plummet, -tth-, See: kodha
plontya to propagate, -nt-, See: afydhya
plosegi to get dirty, -kk-, Go to verb
plottya to plot, -tt-, See: afydhya
plowghya to splash, -ggh-, Go to verb
pluva to grow feathers, -ff-, See: afina
plynchya to wink, -nch-, See: afydhya
pobas to bake, -pp-, Go to verb
pobla to populate, -ppl-, Go to verb
pochya to poach (cooking), -cch-, Go to verb
pochya to poach (game), -cch-, Go to verb
pochya to trample wet soil, -cch-, Go to verb
pocketladra to pickpocket, -ttr-, See: ladra
(KK spelling: poketladra)
pockya to thrust, -kk-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: pokya)
podredha to bruise, -tth-, See: afina
polsa to pulse, -ls-, See: afina
polsya to polish, -ls-, See: afydhya
poltra to (sprinkle with) dust, -ltr-, See: hwithra
pompya to pump, -mp-, See: afydhya
ponegi to pollinate, -kk-, See: mosegi
(KK spelling: ponnegi)
ponya to run, -nn-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: poenya)
porghella to farrow, -ll-, See: afina
porposya to purpose, -ss-, See: afydhya
portraya to portray, -y-, See: amaya
posa to lean, -ss-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: poesa)
pòsleva to emphasise, -ff-, See: afina
(KK spelling: poesleva)
posna to poison, -s-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: poesna)
postya to post, -st-, Go to verb
potha to heat, -tth-, See: afina
(KK spelling: poetha)
pòthhe to heat, -hah-, See: berrhe
(KK spelling: poethhe)
pottya to put, -tt-, See: afydhya
potya to kick, -tt-, See: afydhya
powes to rest, -ss-, Go to verb
poyntya to point, -nt-, See: afydhya
praktisya to practise, -ss-, See: afydhya
praysya to praise, -ss-, See: afydhya
prederi to think, -rr-, Go to verb
predheges to think, -rr-, Go to verb
preferya to prefer, -rr-, See: afydhya
pregoth to preach, -tth-, Go to verb
prena to buy, -nn-, Go to verb
prenassa to go shopping - Verbal noun only. Use with auxiliary verbs.
For modern usage, see also: prenassa
prenna to lock, -nn-, See: afina
preparya to prepare, -rr-, See: afydhya
presentya to present, -nt-, See: afydhya
presumya to presume, -mm-, See: afydhya
pretendya to pretend, -nt-, See: afydhya
prevaylya to prevail, -ll-, See: afydhya
preventya to prevent, -nt-, See: afydhya
preservya to preserve, -rf-, See: afydhya
prevessa to hunt vermin - Verbal noun only. Use with auxiliary verbs.
(KK spelling: pryvessa)
previ to prove, -ff-, Go to verb
prevya to experiment, -ff-, Go to verb
preydha to plunder, -tth-, Go to verb
pria to daub, -ri-, See: afia
prisonya to imprison, -nn-, See: afydhya
prisya to price, -ss-, See: afydhya
procedya to proceed, -tt-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: prosedya)
processya to process, -ss-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: prosessya)
professya to profess, -ss-, See: afydhya
profosa to prophesy, -ss-, See: afina
(KK spelling: profoesa)
profya to offer, -ff-, See: afydhya
profya to suggest, -ff-, See: afydhya
prokurya to procure, -rr-, See: afydhya
promysya to promise, -ss-, See: afydhya
prosperya to prosper, -rr-, See: afydhya
prosternya to lay low, -rn-, See: afydhya
protestya to protest, -st-, See: afydhya
provia to supply, -vi-, See: afia
provokya to provoke, -kk-, See: afydhya
prydydhi to compose poetry, -tth-, See: adhvesi
pryntya to print, -nt-, Go to verb
pubra to pepper, -ppr-, See: hwithra
punshya to punish, -nsh-, See: afydhya
purhe to purify, -hah-, See: berrhe
purjya to purge, -rch-, See: afydhya
pusornas to bale, -rn-, Go to verb
pursewya to pursue, -w-, See: sewya
(KK spelling: pursywya)
pychya to pierce, -cch-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: pechya/pychya)
pychya to pitch, -cch-, See: afydhya
pyckla to pickle, -kkl-, See: hwithra
(KK spelling: pykla)
pyffya to puff, -ff-, See: afydhya
pylla to plunder, -ll-, See: afina
pyltya to pelt, -lt-, See: afydhya
pynchya to pinch, -nch-, See: afydhya
pynna to pin, -nn-, See: afina
pyskessa to go fishing - Verbal noun only. Use with auxiliary verbs.
pysi to ask, -ss-, Go to verb
pystiga to hurt, -kk-, Go to verb
pystria to bewitch, -ri-, See: afia
pywa to own, -wv-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: piwa)

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ragarveth to advance (wages), -tth-, See: arveth
ragarwodha to presage, -tth-, See: kevarwodha
(KK spelling: kevarwoedha)
ragbrena to subscribe, -nn-, See: prena
ragdewlel to pre-plan, -ll-, See: tewlel
ragdhanvon to send ahead, -nn-, See: danvon
(KK spelling: ragdhanvon)
ragdyli to prepay, -ll-, See: tyli
ragerghi to book, -rgh-, See: erghi
ragfardella to prepackage, -ll-, See: afina
ragleva to vote, -ff-, See: afina
ragnotya to specify, -tt-, See: afydhya
ragoberi to rehearse, -rr-, See: oberi
ragresek to pioneer, -ss-, See: resek
ragrestra to pre-arrange, -ss-, See: restra
ragsettya to prescribe, -tt-, See: settya
ragskeusi to foreshadow, -ss-, See: skeusi
ragwari to upstage, -ri-, See: gwari
ragweles to foresee, -ll-, See: gweles
ragwirhe to prioritise, -hah-, See: berrhe
rahaya to sneeze, -y-, See: amaya
rakana to rake, -nn-, Go to verb
rakhenwel to name before, -nw-, See: henwel
rakherdhya to propel, -rth-, See: afydhya
rakkeas to preclude, -e-, See: keas
rakkemeres to appropriate, -rr-, See: kemeres
(KK spelling: rakkemmeres)
rambla to waddle, -mpl-, Go to verb
ranna to divide, -nn-, Go to verb
raska to plane, -sk-, Go to verb
rastella to grill, -ll-, See: afina
ratha to scrape, -tth-, See: tava
rathella to grate, -ll-, See: afina
ravna to ravage, -ffn-, Go to verb
ravsya to entrance (delight), -ffs-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: ravshya)
raylya to rail (against), -ll-, See: draylya
raynya to rein, -nn-, See: afydhya
rebellya to rebel, -ll-, See: afydhya
rebukya to rebuke, -kk-, See: afydhya
receva to receive, -ff-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: resseva)
redya to read, -tt-, Go to verb
referya to refer, -rr-, See: usya
refraynya to refrain, -nn-, See: afydhya
refreshya to refresh, -ssh-, See: usya
refusya to refuse, -ss-, See: usya
regardya to regard, -rt-, See: afydhya
rejoycya to rejoice, -ss-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: rejoysya)
rekna to reckon, -kk-, Go to verb
rekomendya to recommend, -nt-, See: komendya
(KK spelling: rekommendya)
rekoncilya to reconcile, -ll-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: rekonsilya)
rekordya to record, -rt-, See: afydhya
rekwirya to require, -rr-, See: afydhya
relessya to release, -ss-, See: afydhya
relevya to relieve, -ff-, See: afydhya
remaynya to remain, -nn-, See: afydhya
remembra to remember, -mpr-, Go to verb
remova to move, -ff-, Go to verb
remyttya to remit, -tt-, See: afydhya
rendra to render, -ntr-, Go to verb
renka to arrange (in order), -nk-, See: afina
renki to snore, -nk-, Go to verb
renowncya to renounce, -ns-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: renownsya)
rentya to rent, -nt-, See: afydhya
repentya to repent, -nt-, See: afydhya
reperya to have recourse to, -rr-, See: afydhya
reportya to report, -rt-, See: afydhya
representya to represent, -nt-, See: afydhya
repreva to reprove, -ff-, See: afina
reputya to repute, -tt-, See: afydhya
res must, Defective verb, Go to verb
resa to set in line, -ss-, See: afina
resek to run, -ss-, See: resek
resna to reason, -ssn-, Go to verb
resonhe to rationalise, -hah-, See: berrhe
resortya to resort, -rt-, See: afydhya
restorya to restore, -rr-, See: afydhya
restra to arrange, -str-, Go to verb
restrenna to file, -nn-, Go to verb
restya to rest, -st-, See: postya
resya to need, -ss-, See: afydhya
retaynya to retain, -nn-, See: afydhya
reudhi to distress, -tth-, See: adhvesi
revertya to revert, -rt-, See: afydhya
revya to row, -ff-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: roevya)
rewardya to reward, -rt-, See: afydhya
rewi to freeze, -w-, Go to verb
rewlya to rule, -ll-, Go to verb
reynya to reign, -nn-, See: afydhya
ri to give, -ll-, Go to verb
ridra to sift, -ttr-, Go to verb
rimya to rhyme, -mm-, See: afydhya
riva to number, -ff-, See: afina
robbya to rob, -pp-, See: afydhya
rogha to grunt, -ggh-, Go to verb
roghwerthin to chortle, -rth-, See: hwerthin
rolya to roll, -ll-, Go to verb
ronkanella to wheeze, -ll-, See: anella
ronsona to ransom, -nn-, See: afina
rosella to rotate, -ll-, See: afina
roskisya to roller skate, -ss-, See: afydhya
rostella to skateboard, -ll-, See: afina
rostya to roast, -st-, Go to verb
rosweytha to network, -tth-, See: afina
(KK spelling: roesweytha)
rosya to hike, -ss-, Go to verb
routya to control, -tt-, See: afydhya
rudhya to redden, -tth-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: rudha)
rugla to rattle, -kkl-, See: hwithra
rutya to rub, -tt-, See: afydhya
rychhe to enrich, -hah-, See: berrhe
ryddya to rid, -tt-, See: afydhya
rynni to shiver, -nn-, See: adhvesi
rythhe to set free, -hah-, See: berrhe
(KK spelling: rydhhe)

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sadronenni to buzz, -nn-, See: adhvesi
sagha to (put in a) bag, -ggh-, See: tava
sakra to consecrate, -kkr-, Go to verb
sakrifia to sacrifice, -fi-, See: afia
sakrifisa to sacrifice, -ss-, See: afina
salla to salt, -ll-, Go to verb
saluji to greet, -cch-, See: adhvesi
(KK spelling: salusi)
sampla to sample, -mpl-, Go to verb
sanktifia to sanctify, -fi-, See: afia
(KK spelling: sanktyfia)
sanshe to sanctify, -hah-, See: berrhe
sarchya to search, -rch-, See: afydhya
satisfia to satisfy, -fi-, See: afia
(KK spelling: satysfia)
savonegi to standardise, -kk-, See: mosegi
sawra to taste, -rr-, See: afina
sawya to rescue, -w-, Go to verb
seboni to soap, -nn-, See: adhvesi
sedhi to dive, -tth-, Go to verb
segha to dry, -ggh-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: sygha)
segi to soak, -kk-, See: segi
selwel to save (as in salvation), -l-, Go to verb
selya to establish, -ll-, Go to verb
selya to seal, -ll-, Go to verb
sempelhe to simplify, -hah-, See: berrhe
seni to ring, -nn-, Go to verb
separatya to separate, -tt-, See: afydhya
serghi to cling, -rgh-, Go to verb
serri to be angry, -rr-, Go to verb
serri to shut, -rr-, Go to verb
serthi to rise straight up, -rth-, See: adhvesi
servya to serve, -rf-, See: afydhya
sesa to sequestrate, -ss-, See: afina
sesya to seize, -ss-, See: afydhya
settla to settle, -ttl-, See: hwithra
settya to set, -tt-, Go to verb
sevel to stand, -ff-, Go to verb
sevia to pick strawberries - Verbal noun only. Use with auxiliary verbs.
sewajya to mitigate, -cch-, See: afydhya
seweni to succeed, -nn-, Go to verb
sewya to follow, -w-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: sywya)
shackya to shake, -ck-, See: afydhia
(KK spelling: shakya)
shamya to shame, -mm-, See: afydhya
shapya to shape, -pp-, See: afydhya
shinya to shine, -nn-, See: afydhya
shogra to sugar, -kkr-, See: hwithra
shyndya to injure, -nt-, See: afydhya
si to fancy, -i-, Go to verb
sia to buzz, -i-, Go to verb
sidhla to filter, -tthl-, Go to verb
sina to sign, -nn-, See: afina
sinella to signal, -ll-, See: afina
sinya to indicate, -nn-, See: afydhya
skafhe to lighten, -hah-, See: berrhe
(KK spelling: skavhe)
skaldya to scald, -lt-, See: afydhya
skanya to scan, -nn-, See: afydhya
skapya to escape, -pp-, See: afydhya
sakrfa to scarf (woodwork), -rf-, See: tava
skattra to scatter, -ttr-, Go to verb
skeri to skim (movement), -rr-, See: adhvesi
skesya to skate, -ss-, See: afydhya
skethenna to shred, -nn-, See: afina
skethra to prune, -tthr-, Go to verb
skeulya to scale, -ll-, See: afydhya
skeusi to escape, -ss-, Go to verb
skeusliwa to tinge, -w-, See: liwa
skia to ski, -ki-, See: afia
skila to cause, -ll-, Go to verb
skitya to inject, -tt-, See: afydhya
sklandra to slander, -ntr-, Go to verb
sklewya to shelter, -w-, See: afydhya
skodhya to support, -tth-, See: ponya
skolksewya to stalk, -w-, See: sewya
(KK spelling: skolksywya)
skombla to defecate (of animals), -mpl-, Go to verb
skòllya to waste, -ll-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: skoellya)
skolkya to skulk, -lk-, See: afydhya
skollya to waste, -ll-, Go to verb
skonya to refuse, -nn-, Go to verb
skoodhya to support, -tth-, See: Go to verb
(KK spelling: skoedhya)
skorjya to scourge, -rch-, Go to verb
skornya to scorn, -rn-, Go to verb
skorya to score, -rr-, See: afydhya
skrambla to scramble, -mpl-, See: krambla
skravinyas to claw, -nn-, See: afydhya
skrewya to screw, -w-, See: afydhya
skrifa to write, -ff-, Go to verb
skrija to scream, -cch-, Go to verb
skrolya to scroll, -ll-, See: afydhya
skrutha to shudder, -tth-, See: afina
skrynkya to grimace, -nk-, Go to verb
skrybla to scribble, -ppl-, See: hwithra
skuba to sweep, -pp, Go to verb
skuberya to sweep, -rr-, See: afydhya
skwachya to slap, -cch-, See: kachya
skwachya to smash, -cch-, See: kachya
skwardya to tear, -rt-, See: argya
skwattya to smash, -tt-, See: afydhya
skwirglassya to stereotype, -ss-, See: afydhya
skwitha to tire, -tth-, See: afina
skwithhe to tire, -hah-, See: berrhe
skwychella to switch, -ll-, See: neuvella
skwychya to switch, -cch-, Go to verb
skylla to sprout, -ll-, See: afina
skyppya to skip, -pp-, See: afydhya
skyrmya to fence (with swords), -rm-, See: afydhya
skyrra to splinter, -rr-, See: afina
slackya to slacken, -kk-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: slakya)
slokkya to entice, -kk-, See: afydhya
slynkya to glide, -nk-, See: afydhya
sodha to hold office, -tth-, See: sodha
(KK spelling: soedha)
sodra to solder, -ttr-, See: hwithra
soffra to suffer, -ffr-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: suffra)
sokra to aid, -kkr-, Go to verb
solempnya to celebrate, -mpn-, Go to verb
skylla to sprout, -ll-, See: afina
somma to sum, -mm-, See: afina
sommys to flit, -ss-, Go to verb
sompna to summon, -mpn-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: somna)
sona to bless, -nn-, See: afina
(KK spelling: soena)
sonskrifa to record (audio), -ff-, See: skrifa
sopposya to suppose, -ss-, See: afydhya
sopya to sip, -pp-, See: afydhya
sordya to arouse, -rt-, Go to verb
sordya to mutiny, -rt-, Go to verb
sortya to sort, -rt-, See: afydhya
sostena to sustain, -nn-, See: afina
sotla to be subtle, -ttl-, Go to verb
souba to soak, -pp-, See: afina
soubenna to break bread, -nn-, See: afina
sowdhanas to go astray, -nn-, Go to verb
sowdhanas to surprise, -nn-, Go to verb
sowlenna to thatch, -nn-, See: lenna
(KK spelling: sowla)
sowndya to sound, -nt-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: soundya)
sowsnekhe to anglicise, -hah-, See: berrhe
spadha to castrate, -tth-, See: afina
spala to fine, -ll-, See: tava
sparya to spare, -rr-, See: argya
spavenhe to lull, -hah-, See: berrhe
(KK spelling: spavennhe)
spedya to succeed, -tt-, See: afydhya
spena to spend, -nn-, See: afina
spendya to spend, -nt-, See: afydhya
spisa to spice, -ss-, See: afina
spitya to spite, -tt-, See: afydhya
splanna to shine, -nn-, Go to verb
splannhe to brighten, -hah-, See: berrhe
splattya to plot, -tt-, See: afydhya
spongya to sponge, -nk-, See: afydhya
sportya to sport, -rt-, See: afydhya
spralla to frustrate, -ll-, Go to verb
spralla to inhibit, -ll-, See: tava
spryngya to spring, -nk-, See: afydhya
spynnya to spin (a coin), -n-, See: afydhya
staga to attach, -kk-, Go to verb
stagsevel to deadlock, -ff-, See: sevel
stakena to stake, -nn-, See: afina
stampya to stamp, -mp-, See: afydhya
stanchura to seal, -rr-, See: afina
stankya to trample, -nk-, See: argya
starkhe to fixate, -hah-, See: berrhe
statya to convey an estate, -tt-, See: argya
sterenni to sparkle, -nn-, See: adhvesi
stervya to die of cold, -rf-, See: afydhya
steuvi to warp, -ff-, See: adhvesi
stevnikhe to palatalise, -hah-, See: berrhe
stevya to hasten, -ff-, See: afydhya
stewya to stew, -w-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: stywya)
stifa to squirt, -ff-, See: afina
stifella to spray, -ll-, See: afina
stiwenna to slap, -nn-, See: afina
stlevi to lisp, -ff-, See: adhvesi
stoffya to stuff, -ff-, See: afydhya
stoppya to stop, -pp-, See: afydhya
stoutya to become proud, -tt-, See: afydhya
strechya to stretch out time, -cch-, See: afydhya
streylya to curry a horse, -ll-, See: afydhya
strifwertha to auction, -rth-, See: gwertha
strivya to strive, -ff-, See: afydhya
striwi to sneeze, -w-, See: adhvesi
strolya to litter, -ll-, Go to verb
stronka to pollute water, -nk-, See: afina
strotha to squeeze, -tth-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: stroetha)
stryppya to strip, -pp-, See: afydhya
studhya to study, -tth-, See: afydhya
stumma to twist, -mm-, See: afina
stykenna to stake, -nn-, See: afina
(KK spelling: stykkenna)
styrrya to move, -rr-, See: afydhya
styrya to explain, -rr-, See: afydhya
submyttya to submit, -tt-, See: afydhya
sugna to suck, -kkn-, Go to verb
sugra to sugar, -kkr-, See: hwithra
suppressya to suppress, -ss-, See: afydhya
surhe to ensure, -hah-, See: berrhe
surhe to insure, -hah-, See: berrhe
swarvya to swerve, -rf-, See: afydhya
swaysya to swing, -ss-, See: afydhya
sygera to ooze, -rr-, See: afina
synsi to hold, -ns-, Go to verb
synthesya to synthesise, -ss-, See: afydhya

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tackya to attach, -kk-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: takkya)
tackya to clap, -kk-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: takya)
taga to choke, -kk-, Go to verb
takla to furnish, -kkl-, Go to verb
talgamma to frown, -mm-, See: amma
talkya to talk, -lk-, See: argya
talsogha to dumb down, -ggh-, See: afina
talvesa to be worth, -ss-, Go to verb
talvos to value, -ll-, Go to verb
tanbelenna to bomb, -nn-, See: afina
(KK spelling: tanbellenna)
tannato take, Defective verb, Go to verb
tanowhe to thin out, -hah-, See: berrhe
tanta to court, -nt-, See: afina
tardha to explode, -rth-, Go to verb
tardra to bore, -rtr-, Go to verb
tarenna to thunder, -nn-, See: afina
tarya to linger, -rr-, See: afydhya
tasegi to patronise, -kk-, See: mosegi
tastya to taste, -st-, See: afydhya
tava to touch, -ff-, Go to verb
tavella to probe, -ll-, See: afina
tavethli to broadcast, -tthl-, See: adhvesi
tavosa to scold, -ss-, See: afina
tebeldhiwedha to come to a bad end, -tth-, diwedha
tebeldhyghtya to abuse, -ght-, See: dyghtya
tebelfara to misbehave, -rr-, See: fara
teghes to flee, -ggh-, Go to verb
tekhe to beautify, -hah-, See: berrhe
telli to make holes, -ll-, Go to verb
telori to warble, -rr-, See: adhvesi
telynnya to play the harp, -nn-, See: afydhya
tempra to moderate, -mpr-, Go to verb
temptya to tempt, -mpt-, See: afydhya
tenki to destine, -nk-, See: ygeri
tenna to pull, -nn-, Go to verb
terghi to coil, -rgh-, Go to verb
terghya to rootle, -rgh-, Go to verb
tergoska to sleep fitfully, -sk-, See: koska
tergravas to scarify, -ff-, See: tava
teri to insist, -rr-, See: adhvesi
terlemmel to jump about, -mm-, See: lemmel
terlenki to gulp, -nk-, See: lenki
terlentri to sparkle, -ntr-, Go to verb
terneyja to flit, -cch-, See: neyja
(KK spelling: ternija)
terri to break, -rr-, Go to verb
terskrifa to jot down, -ff-, See: skrifa
terva to make a tumult, -rf-, See: afina
terviajya to tour, -cch-, See: viajya
(KK spelling: tervyajya)
tervyska to muddle, -sk-, See: myska
tesa to heat, -ss-, See: afina
tesa to warm in the sun, -ss-, See: afina
testeudhi to weld, -tth-, See: adhvesi
testifia to testify, -fi-, See: afia
teudhi to melt, -tth-, See: adhvesi
tevi to grow, -ff-, Go to verb
tewedha to weather, -tth-, See: afina
tewel to be silent, -w-, Go to verb
tewessa to gather sand - Verbal noun only. Use with auxiliary verbs.
tewhe to thicken, -hah-, See: berrhe
tewlel to throw, -ll-, Go to verb
tewlhe to darken, -hah-, See: berrhe
ti to roof, -i-, Go to verb
ti to swear, -ll-, Go to verb
tia to swear, -ti-, See: afia
tira to land, -rr-, See: afina
tirhe to land, -hah-, See: berrhe
titla to title, -ttl-, See: hwithra
tochya to touch, -cch-, See: afydhya
tòlla to deceive, -ll-, See: afina
(KK spelling: toella)
tolli to levy, -ll-, See: adhvesi
tòllgastya to hoax, -st-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: toellgastya)
tòllwiska to disguise, -sk-, See: gwiska
(KK spelling: toellwiska)
tòmmhe to get warm, -mm-, See: berrhe
(KK spelling: toemmhe)
tòmma to warm, -mm-, See: afina
(KK spelling: toemma)
tommhe to heat, -hah-, See: berrhe
(KK spelling: toemmhe)
tontya to tease, -nt-, See: afydhya
tonya to tune, -nn-, See: afydhya
tormentya to torment, -nt-, See: afydhya
tosa to knead, -ss-, See: afina
(KK spelling: toesa)
tothya to speed, -tth-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: toethya)
towlenna to program, -nn-, See: afina
towlerghi to budget, -rgh-, See: erghi
towlgostya to quote (a price), -st-, See: kostya
transfigura to transfigure, -rr-, See: afina
transformya to transform, -rm-, See: afydhya
transmyttya to transmit, -tt-, See: afydhya
travalya to labour, -ll-, See: argya
travalya to travel, -ll-, See: argya
traynya to entice, -nn-, See: afydhya
trayta to betray, -tt-, See: afina
trebuchya to stumble, -cch-, See: afydhya
tredangwetha to electroplate, -tth-, See: afina
tredanhe to electrify, -hah-, See: berrhe
tredanladha to electrocute, -tth-, See: ladha
treghi to cut, -ggh-, Go to verb
trehweles to upset, -ll-, See: dehweles
trembla to tremble, -mpl-, See: restra
tremena to pass, -nn-, Go to verb
treneyja to flutter, -cch-, See: neyja
(KK spelling: trenija)
trenkhe to acidify, -hah-, See: berrhe
trenya to train, -nn-, See: afydhya
tresa to trace (on paper), -ss-, See: afina
trasorya to treasure, -ss-, See: afydhya
trestya to trust, -st-, Go to verb
tresya to trace, -ss-, See: afydhya
tretha to digest, -tth-, See: afina
tretha to ferry, -tth-, See: afina
trethtaga to constipate, -kk-, Go to verb
trettya to trample, -tt-, See: afydhya
treusfigura to transfigure, -rr-, See: afina
treusfurvya to transform, -rf-, See: afydhya
treusi to cross, -ss-, See: adhvesi
treuskorra to transmit, -rr-, See: gorra
treuskynna to transcend, -nn-, See: yskynna
treuslemmel to leap over, -mm-, See: lemmel
treuslytherenna to transliterate, -nn-, See: afina
treusneyja to fly over, -cch-, See: neyja
(KK spelling: treusnija)
treuspassya to trespass, -ss-, See: passya
treusperthi to transport, -rth-, See: perthi
treusplansa to transplant, -ns-, Go to verb
treusskrifa to transcribe, -ff-, See: skrifa
treustelli to perforate, -ll-, See: perthi
treustreghi to crossect, -ggh-, See: treghi
treustremena to transit, -nn-, See: tremena
treustrotha to transfuse, -tth-, See: trotha
(KK spelling: treustroetha)
treusverya to transfix, -rr-, See: afydhya
treusvewa to survive, -w-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: treusvywa)
treusworra to transfer, -rr-, See: gorra
treuswul to transact, -ll-, See: gul
trevasa to harvest, -ss-, See: afina
trevelhe to urbanise, -hah-, See: berrhe
trevesiga to settle (on land), -kk-, See: afina
trewa to spit, -w-, See: afina
treylouba to stir, -pp-, Go to verb
treyloubfria to stir-fry, -ri-, See: fria
treylya to turn, -ll-, Go to verb
treynya to hang back, -nn-, See: afydhya
tria to try (in court), -ri-, See: afia
triga to remain, -kk-, Go to verb
trihornegi to triangulate, -kk-, See: erghi
tristhe to sadden, -hah-, See: berrhe
trobla to trouble, -ppl-, Go to verb
trodreghi to circumcise, -ggh-, See: treghi
trogentra to screw, -ntr-, See: restra
troghya to immerse, -ggh-, See: afydhya
tromma to exacerbate, -mm-, See: afina
tròsella to pedal, -ll-, See: afina
(KK spelling: troesella)
c tròssa to pack, -ss-, See: afina
(KK spelling: troessa)
trosya to plod, -ss-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: troesya)
trotha to infuse, -tth-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: troetha)
trovya to discover, -ff-, See: afydhya
troyllya to spin, -ll-, Go to verb
truedha to look after, -tth-, See: afina
trufla to trifle, -ffl-, Go to verb
tryghi to conquer, -ggh-, See: adhvesi
tuedha to tend (towards), -tth-, See: afina
tyas to use ty to someone, -ss-, Go to verb
tybi to think, -pp-, Go to verb
tyckya to tick, -kk-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: tykkya)
tyldya to pitch a tent, -lt-, See: afydhya
tyli to pay, to owe, -ll-, Go to verb
tynbrena to buy dearly, -nn-, See: prena
(KK spelling: tynnbrena)
tynkyal to jingle, -ll-, Go to verb
tynnhe to tighten, -hah-, See: berrhe
tyska to gather corn - Verbal noun only. Use with auxiliary verbs.
tythya to hiss, -tth-, See: afydhya

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ughelhe to heighten, -hah-, See: berrhe
ughkarga to upload, -rk-, See: karga
(KK spelling: ughgarga)
ughlamma to high jump, -mm-, See: lamma
ughverkya to accent (in writing), -rk-, See: afydhya
untya to anoint, -nt-, See: afydhya
unverhe to agree, -hah-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: unnverhe)
unya to unite, -nn-, See: afydhya
ura to baste, -rr-, See: afina
ura to lubricate, -rr-, See: afina
urdhya to initiate, -rth-, See: afydhya
usa to yell, -ss-, Go to verb
uskishe to accelerate, -hah-, See: berrhe
usurpya to usurp, -rp-, See: afydhya
usya to use, -ss-, Go to verb
uttra to utter, -ttr-, See: hwithra
uvelhe to humble, -hah-, See: berrhe
uvla to obey, -ffl-, See: hwithra

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vandalisa to vandalise, -ss-, See: afina
vansya to vanish, -ns-, See: afydhya
varya to derange, -rr-, See: afydhya
varya to vary, -rr-, See: afydhya
veksya to irritate, -kks-, See: afydhya
venimya to poison, -mm-, See: afydhya
venjya to avenge, -nch-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: venja)
viajya to travel, -cch-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: vyajya)
violatya to violate, -tt-, See: argya
visitya to visit, -tt-, See: afydhya
votya to vote, -tt-, See: afydhya
vysytya to visit, -tt-, See: afydhya

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pa to walk, -lk-, See: argya
waltsya to walk, -lts-, See: afydhya
warya to watch out, -rr-, Go to verb
wastya to lay waste, -st-, Go to verb
wolkomma to welcome, -mm-, See: afina
wrappya to wrap, -pp-, See: afydhya
wrestya to wrest, -st-, See: afydhya

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X-dewynya to X-ray, -nn-, See: dewynnya

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yaghhe to cure, -hah-, Go to verb
yes to confess (sins), -ss-, Go to verb
yeuni to crave, -nn-, Go to verb
yewa to yoke, -w-, See: afina
yeynella to refrigerate, -ll-, See: afina
yeynhe to chill, -hah-, See: berrhe
ygeri to open, -rr-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: igeri)
ydhna to hunt birds - Verbal noun only. Use with auxiliary verbs.
y'm beus to have Go to verb
ymbracya to embrace, -ss-, See: afydhya
(KK spelling: ymbrasya)
ymprovisa to improvise, -ss-, See: afina
ympya to graft, -mp-, See: afydhya
ympynnya to think oneself, -nn-, See: afydhya
ynanella to inhale, -ll-, See: anella
ymditya to indict, -tt-, See: afydhya
yndreghi to incise, -ggh-, See: treghi
ynflammya to inflame, -mm-, See: argya
ynherdhya to intrude, -rth-, See: afydhya
ynia to urge, -ni-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: ynnia)
ynkarnatya to become incarnate, -tt-, See: argya
ynkeas to include, -e-, See: keas
ynkleudhyas to bury, -tth-, Go to verb
ynklinya to bow, -nn-, Go to verb
ynkorfora to incorporate, -rr-, See: afina
ynkressya to increase, -ss-, See: kressya
ynperthi to import, -rth-, See: perthi
ynplansa to implant, -ns-, See: plansa
ynsidhla to infiltrate, -tthl-, See: sidhla
ynspirya to inspire, -rr-, See: afydhya
ynstallya to install, -ll-, See: afydhya
ynstitutya to institute, -tt-, See: afydhya
ynstruktya to instruct, -kt-, See: afydhya
yntana to improvise, -ss-, See: afina
yntardha to implode, -rth-, See: tardha
yntendya to intend, -nt-, See: afydhya
yntertaynya to entertain, -nn-, See: afydhya
yntirya to inter, -rr-, See: afydhya
ynworra to input, -rr-, See: gorra
yowynkhe to rejuvenate, -hah-, Go to verb
yrhe to freshen, -hah-, Go to verb
yskynna to ascend, -nn-, Go to verb
yssynsi to contain, -ns-, See: synsi
ystyn to extend, -nn-, Go to verb
(KK spelling: ystynn)

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zappya to zap, -pp-, See: zappya
zoumya to zoom, -mm-, See: afydhya
zynkkwetha to zinc-plate, -tth-, See: afina
zyppya to zip, -pp-, See: zyppya

